
As good as some parts of this episode were, the parts that I didn’t like I really fucking did not like, which has shaded the whole episode.

Yes, it was a black torso - there are Frankenstein-style stitches around his neck and biceps, most clearly seen as he starts to button his clean shirt.

Drag queens have existed since the 1930s so they definitely could be and I would say ARE drag queens. They are going to entertain as exaggerated celebrities. That’s not to say some of them can’t be trans women in their daily lives. Sammy in particular dresses and lives as a man even in the privacy of his home and

We don’t. And this show isn’t subtle—if Sammy was meant to be trans and not just a gay man who sometimes does drag, when Montrose comes to his apartment in the middle of the night, wouldn’t Sammy have been wearing some element of clothing to identify that?  I have a drag queen friend who actually makes most of his

Yeah I give the flat out rape revenge some slack just because this is an over the top horror show, but I do agree with you (as a commented above it also scanned awkwardly with me since we saw a consensual but still rough act of sodomy earlier between two men... I’m not sure why, but as a gay man it just sorta rubs me

Absolutely—the fact that apparently Montrose’s love interest (from what we saw) also dresses as a cis man at home makes me think that even given the different times the term trans does not make sense for him. I think there’s a tendency (a very recent new one) to call drag queens (and I’m not even convinced this

Absolutely agreed about how strong Ruby’s storyline is and how... kinda off I feel Montrose’s is. I also couldn’t help finding something kinda uncomfortable with how rough the anal sex was in their sex scene (and not in a way I found hot—and I usually have no issue with rough consensual sex) and then we ended the

I was having this same thought. This episode was all about metamorphoses, and we watch Ruby transform back and forth throughout. From the few people I’ve known in my small town drag scene, it seems that the transformation is an important and informative part of the experience, which helped the stories overlap for me

I really really wasn’t feeling Montrose’s subplot this episode. Everything he does and experiences this episode is tainted by Yahima’s murder.

That was Shangela and Monet who are drag queens in the roles! Were they not just drag queens doing a little pageantry work with Montrose’s lover? I don’t think we know enough about them I guess, just label it all as queer henny.

Horror producers need to get their hands on the folks doing the metamorphosis sequences stat - those were some amazing body horror effects. Better than a lot of big budget films have been managing. I know this isn’t a small budget production as TV goes but I doubt it compares to the standard film budget even then. 

Is it accurate to refer to Montrose’s lover and the other ball participants as “trans women,” or is that imposing a modern understanding on a historical phenomenon that wasn’t quite so clear cut? I’m not an expert on ball culture, by any means, but my understanding is that for some participants it was more about expres

Also the actress who plays Hillary is the same one who played Dell (the warden with dogs) in episode 2. I wonder if Leti killed her and Christina took her skin and gave it to Ruby.

I understand the power dynamics as much as I can as a BIPOC but not black, but if any show role reversed the awful sexual assault in that scene the pitchforks & torches would be out immediately. As a man who’s been victim of sexual abuse there’s very little room for the “____ was an awful person who did bad things so

I loved that parallel of both Ruby and Montrose rediscovering their true selves under the guises they put on. The difference between the things they think they want because the society makes them the right thing to want and what they really desire. And that for both of them land on the path to violence that they

So I read these reviews every week post live watching the episodes. They clarify things I may have missed and sometimes clue me into things I should be considering. But one thing keeps getting me week after week and I can’t not see it anymore: the misgendering or misclassifying of queer or LGBT characters. Last week

For me, this the biggest question of the episode, if not the whole series alongside the ghost Tali appearance, are these connected, who is this rag wrapped ninja? How did he/she/it got there?

Not a single word on the parkour character taking the kids’ trackers and setting up traps in his cave/giant lizard base?

It’s ep 6, so I hope they rectify lots of this soon. But I agree that no one is getting fleshed out here. They blew by a season’s worth of stuff in one episode to get the conflict going, and now it seems like they’re going to flashback everything to explain the backstories of everyone.