
You totally misread the family dynamic. That happened after he had the police drag her back home. If you didn’t see him taking her son away as a form of punishment for her disobedience you are totally tone deaf.

I’m not super impressed with the Carl/Sissy plot line, but I think the Carl defenders are missing some key points. Carl’s status as a ‘good’ husband is based on the very bare minimum - that he doesn’t cheat and hasn’t yet institutionalized his son against his wife’s wishes. He’s still a man who treats his wife like a

Carl treated his wife like shit before the cheating, which is part of what made her defection with Vanya believable imo. Leaving aside that those institutions were bad, bad news because they were considered acceptable back then, the way he delievers those lines? He’s absolutely using Harlan’s institutionalization to

It always felt like the show is about the sibling relationships and everything else is just a way to externalised the drama between them. If they work separately or against each other bad things happen but together they can save the world. It was that way in season one when they only succeed when they finally united

For me the part in which Vanya’s siblings try to get to her was the most compelling part of the episode. In the last season she turned out to be the one who destroyed the world and her siblings imprisoned her and then almost killed her. When Diego said “Vanya’s always the bomb” last week I was afraid they will try to

The Handler’s coronation look is incredible.

Given the time period the season was set in, I was awaiting to see when Vanya’s Russian name would get her in hot water. And it did, but the water was electrified and then became eyeballs.

I really liked that Diego was the one who finally figured it out. I didn’t like that the assumption was to blame Vanya. He should’ve asked Herb to rewind to see why she did it. She’s being tortured there. It should be a mission to save her not simply stop Vanya from being the bomb again.

I kind of took it as indicative of how far into time- (or other-) psychosis Five has already slipped that both versions of him are trying to make this plan work in any way. They both know that it can’t possibly work - but it’s for the Umbrella Academy and anyway, stage 1 of paradox psychosis is denial. The fact that

Wow, it’s incredibly creepy to hear a guy in 2020 still proudly saying “he doesn’t need consent”.

It could be worse. She could have been knocked out when her car was suddenly and unavoidably rammed by a large truck appearing out of nowhere and travelling at 90 degrees at exactly the right split second and at exactly the right speed to knock all the inhabitants of the car unconscious (while not even winding the

Ed Norton’s character was not aware at the time.

We are talking about ghost rape, but because I think you are wrong I hope it is instructive, the question is consent: If Ben said out loud “I am not Klaus I am another person” and Jill did not believe him, but thought she was consenting to sex with Klaus, then from my perspective even that is not consent. No consent

Though Five and Vanya are wildly different people, they’re kindred spirits in some ways too. They’re the Hargreeves most directly responsible for the chaos of these past two seasons, and they’re also the ones who feel the most removed from the rest of their siblings

Yea, that was bugging me a little. In the context of Five’s abilities, 90 minutes is actually plenty of time. He could have round them up himself. Delegating the tasks to the others came off especially strange since he basically views his siblings as bumbling morons that surely would screw this up. But I too will let

Aidan Gallagher is so great at playing a 58-year-old man that it’s easy to take his performance for granted. But it’s truly remarkable just how much he manages to feel like an equal to actual 61-year-old Colm Feore, especially as Five wistfully apologizes for his childhood rebellion.

This season of Umbrella Academy has got me to think about what I would do if I were sent back to the early 60s.

I loved that bit where the Hotel employee tackles Five not because he just killed a bunch of people but because he destroyed a vending machine.

Two things: