
The PC market is complex. The platform has a very large following internationally, in European nations especially (DICE, incidentally, is in Sweden). The Battlefield series historically is tuned to the PC's audience and capabilities, and only resembles games like Modern Warfare in that it is about war and

@digimope: This is why you don't bully engineers in high school; one day your 34-year old self will wake up to find a giant robot outside your window wanting to play rock paper disembowlment.

@FATDAN: In general, the things from column A are more sophisticated/less accessible, while the things in column B are less sophisticated/more accessible. This has to do with where you position yourself as a creative. Aside from this is the issue of quality, which is simply how good something is; for example, there is

Sometimes I will see a used game in which I'm not terribly interested, but will buy at a super discounted price. I bought Dead Space used, for example (and didn't finish it because, as I predicted, I didn't really like it). I sold Other M back to Gamestop (after buying the thing new) because I absolutely hated it and

Gameplay is not synonymous with difficulty; I would argue it has more to do with things like agency. Cage is not suggesting that games be less interactive; he is arguing that challenge is not the only gameplay in town.

If I expect to enjoy a game, I buy it new. I also feel good about this. Sometimes, though, I will buy used ones if I don't wish to support that developer financially. (And I will only sell to Gamestop et al if I really, really hate the game.)

I mostly played official post-Ren shards, but my very first UO experience involved a free shard called Novus Opiate. I placed this pathetic little house down on the beach south of Britain (always wanted to own a house), and I believe I went AFK for a while running some sort of training macro. Some guy came along and

"Rape culture" more accurately refers to "rape normalization"; it does not draw causal relationships between rape jokes and sex crimes, but rather posits that by treating rape as an everyday, natural occurrence, you can (often inadvertently) create a culture in which rape occurs more frequently and is treated less

Otherwise known as "The Caucasian's Lament".

I spent mine at the Britain forge crafting and repairing iron plate mail for people.

Rape culture doesn't really "exist" or "not exist"; it is more of a theoretical framework from which to analyze social norms. What you can do is argue whether or not a particular society's norms fall into this framework, and in this situation I would point to something like this: [www.winnipegfreepress.com]

The Penny Arcade strip was a comment on a certain kind of cognitive dissonance that occurs in MMORPGs (and other sorts of video games), in which the absurdly dire narratives of some games clash with their overriding preference for mechanics over drama or verisimilitude. Specifically, the joke is that the player

Do we have to have this conversation every time her name comes up on Kotaku? I know this is the internet, but could we at least get to insulting her various creative endeavors instead of her physical appearance?

How was the hangover?

@Philippe Audet: It's a winning battle, according to the United States' Constitution. The one that, if you are a citizen of the USA, affords you the various rights and liberties you seem so eager to forfeit.

@SG-17: "46 DC EA D3" (Sony, 2006).

Let's not insult the SM-Liiga by insinuating the Leafs could play there.