
@wahrugene1: How exactly does one dominate a Final Fantasy game? It's like trying to dominate a novel.

I don't know whether Milla Jovovich believes any of the things she says, but I admire her (probably feigned) enthusiasm and I enjoy the stupidity of the RE movies more or less as much as I enjoy the games.

@osteofight: I figured mostly by parroting random other people's complaints.

@zoompooky: My assumption was that the Steamworks platform manages its own bandwidth costs, possibly circumventing Microsoft's shit entirely.

@d_r_e: People buy the games they complain about?

Question: Where does holding a pair of condoms fall on the 'Fanboy Spectrum of Self Abuse Following The Revelation That Their Favorite Idol Knows What Genitals Are For'? Are we talking a few tears and some light slaps to one's own face, or maybe some minor self-immolation?

My favorite part of the article is about how Zynga sued their ex-employees for defecting to rival companies and "stealing trade secrets" from Zynga in the process. When your trade secret is "Steal other people's stuff", I'm not sure you have a right to complain.

@dracosummoner: Maybe the Mavs would be contenders if their farm team didn't spend all practice milking each others' cows?

My child didn't leave without his buddy Superfly.

@Toshi: To use a current example, how about Bill Williamson?

@Amazing_Spiderham: In one recent editorial, the only one I've read from IGN in a very long time, the author seemed to make a point of mentioning how he wasn't really a gamer and showing no small amount of disdain for game people in general. I'm honestly not sure who he was pandering to.

@Stephen Totilo: Doesn't that just sound like Blow inhabiting his usual coy persona, though? When you use the phrase "exploration-puzzle game on an uninhabited island", you are categorically evoking Myst.

@Kobun: I would say we've seen quite a few clones, just not as many as Doom because the adventure market became increasingly niche after Myst came out. Check out [justadventure.com] for some quick reference.

@SonicTHP: I would post a positive response to this comment, but I don't think Adam has given me permission yet.

@dragonfliet: If the player does want some of that information, it might actually be a good idea to separate 'non-canon' dialog options from canon ones. For example, if you're asking a basic question or saying something you've already said, you could just put that line in square brackets to 1) Signal that there is no

@kraed: It may at least be a good idea to write the principle characters prior to finalizing the design work, which I think is the main thrust of the article. If a character is defined by she does, and all you do in the game is shoot differently-sized insect people, your characters may well end up sucking.

@MrGOH: 'Cause two is not a winner, and three nobody remembers.

@InsaneGain: The tracers, if they correspond to actual bullet trajectories in the first place, are probably rendered after the actual hitscan calculation, meaning you would not be able to see a bullet in midair before it hits its target. So whether you actually "see" the bullet is kind of debatable.

@Setzer IIDX: I think the problem is that most 3D scanners introduce some degree of noise into the model, and also use way too much detail than is strictly necessary; the work you would have to do to clean up a model after scanning it in probably exceeds the work it would take to make one from scratch.