
Yeah I had the same frustrations hoping I could play the Mass Effect series with a controller on PC.

haha, I'm not sure that bad, but it doesn't make me want to buy it in any way.

Yeah totally, I've played Tiger Woods from 2003 PGA tour, whilst the graphics and mocap have improved in the 10 years it's not in the same league as other sports sims. I mean look at MLB The Show or even the lengths EA go with Fifa.

Is it just me or have the graphics stayed the same for years?

Same here, out of thousands I don't think I've even had one, maybe it's a US thing...

if it does well enough I'm sure it'll be on Android eventually.

Now playing

So many great tunes - but have to say the chocobo theme for me. Puts a smile on my face. :)

Now playing

So many great tunes - but have to say the chocobo theme for me. Puts a smile on my face. :)


Haha! Don't forget - FarmVille playing/how dare you enjoy my AAA title!

looks at prOn. Not bad thank you. STD free at least!

He must be pretty hideous if he can't get a date with that bank balance.

Nope, not the only one. I much prefer the tone of Kick Ass/Raimi Spiderman (not 3) over something like this. Whilst it's good that Nolan has raised the bar, the dark and gritty Batman universe worked because he was mostly using gadgets and not out of place super powers. Add to that some really good performances it

Looks pretty reasonable, and better than the PS3 version(?) in my opinion. Pretty sure the PS3 is capable of much better visuals too but ports are basically gimped.

Lemmings especially and wipeout would have translated perfectly to ios or Android. Will never forget the greats we grew up with. R. I. P. X

Great work!

Yes Owen is pretty much always on the money. Owen doesn't say it was the only reason but I agree, it was primarily because he was 'Asian'. Still, fair play to the guy, I found that the regular season was pretty routine till he burst out of nowhere. Needs to cut down on turnovers though.

some sense finally...