
Because different systems offer different games? Because I find having a variety of platforms with a variety of different specs and feature sets creates more variation in the games I play?

what are you talking about Breath of Fire 5 was a really interesting departure for the series.

pretty faulty oversimple logic.

Artists do commission work for others all the time. Just because you're making a product to satisfy other peoples sensibilities doesn't mean it gets instantly stripped of artistic merit, that's ridiculous.

Gen V went made a lot of progress in making bugs more viable.

Yeah, I find for the most part that even as a kid I was a pretty good judge of games, so for the most part most of the games I liked back then, I like now.

Yeah Saya no Uta is pretty fantastic, I wasn't meaning to imply that their isn't any variety at all in the subject matter of VNs I hope I didn't give that impression, I just still see room for them to expand that's all. I'll definitely have to give some of your other recommendations a try too.

I'm not at all against visual novels (or any type of video game for that matter) having sex in it. I do however wish that VNs would have more variety in what they are written about. Censorship isn't a real solution, increasing variety among what already exists is a much better solution imo.

Yeah the Xbox One is getting better, all it had to do is completely retract every terrible feature about the system and then make it out like they respected consumers and indie devs the whole time! "Remember that time we tried to violently yank control of what you do with your own property away from you? We were just

Not all Games need to let you choose between playing as a boy or playing as a girl, but creators should feel free to use either, and that I don't think has quite been achieved yet in the game industry, though it IS making progress in that direction.

The Wii was Nintendo's seventh gen console the Wii U is 8th gen.

"You also may want to consider buying used games or waiting for sales."

Hahaha you're joking right? 60 bucks is hefty investment. 60 bucks can buy 2 weeks worth of food for myself, if that. Way to show how little you know about how money works.

I've always liked the Train Graveyard a lot, I really enjoy FF7 I do think it's a shame so many people rag on it for being so popular, sure it's die hard fans can be super annoying, and sure it isn't the single greatest game ever. But I still think it's pretty darn good, and I occasionally play it to this day.

"but deep down, nobody cares about not having CDs any more"

haha yeah, because the 360 is TOTALLY known for it's reliability.

Prometheus is a beautiful movie, unforuntely it's also one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen in my entire life. Literally every single thing bad thing that happens in the movie is completely the fault of the characters. If they had approached with even the SMALLEST of caution (it's not like scientests are ever


Probably the whole total disregard for ever making any sense and the total lack of research into how even the most basic scientific practices work. Maybe it's that.

Okay. Well then I guess I'll just wait until I know for 100% sure that I won't have to check in every 24 hours and my games won't be useless down the line before I ever buy an Xbox One if it ever gets games I want on it. I can wait 10 years or longer for this answer. It's totally up to you Microsoft.