
nah DKC Returns is way better than the NSMB series. It's level design is better, it's music is better, it's art design is better, it brings more unique ideas to the table, they aren't even in the same league.

Oh wow...having read all of this I've got to say...this STILL doesn't sound worth it even a little bit.

Uhhh...I really can't say I understand why the PS4 leaving it's d-pad/analog stick placement the same as is been can be a bad thing. The way it is works better for a wider variety of genres whereas the Xbox controllers have been more specialized for Shooters and Racing games. I'm not saying either are BAD far from,

This actually really pisses me off. Butt out Miyamoto, the Paper Mario series is great, not every damn game needs to go by your design philosophy. Story and new characters SHOULD be important to a Paper Mario game, because that's what allows the writing to breathe and be so creative and funny. "I didn't think we