Hey there! I’m the scout in this gif. I made an account here on Kotaku for the sole purpose of hand delivering you my response to your comment, in video form:
Hey there! I’m the scout in this gif. I made an account here on Kotaku for the sole purpose of hand delivering you my response to your comment, in video form:
Response to your comment, as you actually made a unproven claim, everyone plays as scout, so if you play as scout you’re a bullshit annoying asshole,
I’m loathing this wildly victimized world we live in. Everybody always feels attacked. Stop people from flying the flags wont stop they way they feel and act towards people if you so insist that is must be directly associated with racism. If anything, this will turn Rebel Flag-flyers against the people victimizing…
Super classy. I’m glad you didn’t wait for the wreckage to stop smoldering before having some fun at Indonesia’s expense.
Because you know that how? A law abiding citizen in the U.S. may have shot him (or his tires out) before he could have done harm. You do not know either way, so why make such a claim?
So what are the odds this guy’s an islamist?
I’m sure the dead appreciate the difference.
Lets play a game of find the SJW!!
Uhrm, if you think that needs just ‘modest’ body work, I think you need to take a second look at the vid.
Enough with the “you could buy/build/feed xxxxx meals/schools/people with that money” shtick.
Your detailed knowledge of dildos is impressive.
This article is just heavily biased towards the guy who was trying to make the team. You have to remember that the League community is young, so there are lots of kids hanging around that don’t have critical thinking skills and may have thrown their own, or their parent’s, money at this half-baked scam.
You’re absolutely retarded
You don’t know what you are talking about.
They are required and have been for over a decade.
At the end of the day, the game is free. They even facilitate people learning new heroes by rotating them every so often, never mind offering ways to gain in-game currency or drop small amounts of real-life dosh to get new heroes.
Y’all wrote about the clear winner ages ago: Mannic-Beattie turbine-charged hillclimber.
So sad. This poor 24 year old is going to have to live with this for the rest of his life. I’m sure the scene inside the lambo was nothing short of a gore-fest.