The 18 where the only ones they can prove where him.
The 18 where the only ones they can prove where him.
But where did he get the mower from?
Maybe he thought the evidence would burn itself.
My mom's 98 A4 wagon had a timing chain. It broke one an extremely busy highway with no run off with two toddlers inside of it. A cop had to push her off and the entire engine was basically destroyed from the chain ricocheting around it.
Or people went on vacation and cops aren't going to give out a lot of pointless tickets around the holidays because they aren't assholes?
Is supercharging not included in the P85D?
It's said that there is more talent in Ferrari's test drivers than some teams.
Did you just say that America started WW2?
IDK the full story, but the government had all rights to seize the car. If they found out that a previous owner tampered the VIN and tricked the owner, find that owner and charge them and make them pay for fraud to the owner.
Stupidity shouldn't be a get out of jail free card. If the vin was tampered or something like that, then they should, but I don't think that was what happened this time.
Letting somebody recoup money from an illegal thing is wrong. Should we give drug dealers money for all of the drugs they confiscate from them. If their was some sort of vin fraud going on then the government should focus on that and get the money back, but otherwise it is fine.
Recoup his money for an illegal thing? Why should he be allowed to do that?
It doesn't meet safety requirements, so that would be danger to him and possibly others. And how would a trial to see if it was stolen help him? The only thing it would do would be maybe get him jail time.
Why would he be given a trial to determine if it was stolen? It was illegal and the government had all rights to seize it.
The resources are still their, just in different hands.
You don't seem to understand that when you buy a boat or other things like that your not denying people things. That money still exists and can be used to do what ever the fuck you want to do with it. And you should be able to make a living wage at home if instead of trolling on here you actually work.