
When was the last time an Uber driver chased a robber? Never. Uber sucks.

Not at all. Most of the rookie drivers race for at best midpack teams(Kyle Larson and Austin Dillon being the exception, who are doing extremely well) with bad cars. And Danica, with a Stewart-Haas car, is competing against the midpack rookies. She already has went through her rookie season and should be much

Only 3 seasons in IRL.

Nobody cares about elections in Mozambique. Mozambique is so small and not relevant to any Americans. Heck, I haven't even seen any reports on elections from other big countries.

2 things:

First off I would like to apologize. I didn't mean "Why the hell do people like you blame everything on it?" personally but I was recently harassed by a black dude in a deli for cutting him in line(he didn't take one of the number thingies and I did and when they called my number I went up) and he started yelling at

Yeah I read that one. All I got out of it was that we think of Africa as an "unclean" continent(it is in some places, but you can say the same about North America) and that racism exists(never denied that). I don't understand how you connect the dots and that is what I am asking you.

I engage in debates for the same reason. Can you just tell me why it is racist and xenophobic in one reply? I have read all of your other ones and can not figure out your reasoning.


Not everything is race. Why the hell do people like you blame everything on it?

Yes exactly. People with no insurance get treated the same if they have a real emergency, which the doctors did not think the case was with Duncan.

I read your applies and your entire point is just that they are black and not from Africa. No reasoning besides everybody is racist and xenophobic.

Not denying the other outbreaks. But I don't understand why you think it is racist and xenophobic.

I'm totally for healthcare for the poor. It would lower the costs for everyone and people would get more care, but in this situation it would do nothing, because he wasn't a citizen and doctors would just think he had the flu.

Great for Cuba, but how is that relevant to the conversation? We are talking about how it is racist and xenophobic.

I am not profiling at all. I'm just pissed and saying why I am pissed. They mostly don't say men are rapists but they say white men are terrible people.

Pretty much. But health care for the poor won't do shit. Most E.R. people just give them their medicine and send them on the way, because they usually don't have Ebola. Just a common flu.

Your arguement is stating that America or whatever powerful country has help the Ebola victims out. Which they are, but you seem to be in denial of that. And really, the race card?

How is it either of those? You give no evidence besides white americans hate Africans, which is just a theory, as to why either of them are true. If you would like to tell me them, then go ahead, I'm open ears.

Both of the times that I have been to the E.R. I was scooted right in ahead of everybody else waiting, both times about 7 black people. Both times I had serious bleeding, which is why I was admitted so quickly. I spent a couple hours in it, and quickly figured out that pretty much everybody else there was uninsured