13 hours in so far, and the game is really amazing - It’s everything I wanted - System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Dishonored and Bioshock rolled into one.
13 hours in so far, and the game is really amazing - It’s everything I wanted - System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Dishonored and Bioshock rolled into one.
Yeah love that game, think the combat for a turn based game is top notch tough. And alot of good characters. Becoming one of my fav game. Love the story themes it goes trough
I picked it up on a whim. I had extra cash for a newer game last night and saw that this was releasing in a couple hours.
It’s just plain fun. Half-life meets Dead Space meets Bioshock kind of fun.
I’m enjoying wandering around and finding cool things, and the game is actually challenging. I’ve died a few times from…
“Heroes never die!”
- Mercy
Lego may morally oppose violent play but hey, everybody’s got their price right? Not gonna leave that SW money on the table.
I think the “violence” ruling is more flexible. What is more likely the reason is that Lego does not like to focus on franchises that are solely in game form. The exception seems to be anything Lego Dimensions related of course, but outside that most of their active franchises are movie of tv based.
It’s a strange double standard. They license a lot of products that are based off of violent things. The super heroes don’t stop crime with words, ninja were basically assassins, pirates were murderous thieves, etc.
Don’t forget Lord of the Rings which is more violent than Star Wars, Halo, WOW and COD all put together. Also, there are Marvel and DC products too.
It’s because Lego can’t resist shooting themselves in the foot. They get off on it or something, I swear. They’re in the best position they can be in as a business, so it’s a requirement that they constantly fuck up until they’re passed by a competitor.
Just remember who writes these articles. They see us 9to5ers as nothing but drones.
Damn, my math sucked. Anyway, thanks for all the info! I really must spend some more time scrounging for materials this weekend.
I have never, and never will understand why people who don’t understand speed running need to tell everyone about it on every speedrun article.
I get comments like this a lot when the topic comes up and it always feels reductive. I actually want to take time to address it. The idea that people don’t play through the entire game is really absurd. In order to find tricks, runners and hunters have to play through the game as intended to understand mechanics and…
That sounds like me. I’ll get Mario Kart so hopefully the gf will sit and play, but otherwise I really am trying to hold off on getting anything else until I finish Zelda. Not to mention I still have Horizon to finish on the PS4.
Both games are indead great 13 hrs in p5 and love it, but then again p4g was like my fav game ever. Still you have to plan your time and have alot of different option i assume the longer you get
they’ve made a tease on twitter, noone knows for sure. people on reddit picked the tweet apart and are saying new skins, and possibly something to do with kings row map.
I’ve found the best spots for each dragon as follows:
-Farosh: The middle of Floria Bridge south of the falls in Faron and just east of Lakeside Stable. If you use the fire at the stable and wait until night (pretty sure it’s night), then run out to the middle of the bridge, the dragon should be making it’s way down…
I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way…
The closer the better. Ideally, I’m coming close enough that I can hit its legs with a spear before the blast. Further away, you *d0* have to try to time it based on the distance from the beam, which is less than ideal. Flying guardians are a bit more difficult but the same principle is in play.
To be very safe, target and strafe in any direction, so even if you miss, you won’t break your shield or die.