Prominent. Booster Gold only thinks he is.
Prominent. Booster Gold only thinks he is.
I am, and I think it could be the title which finally pushes me into buying a Kinect. I already have Child of Eden (though I'm not a huge fan of it), and I just bought Leedmees since it was on sale for 400 points. I can see grabbing a Dance Central, too. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, but it's more of a novelty toy for me at…
I thought hashtags were still busted? Are they working but just for Gawker staff now?
Ditto. It's hardly a reasoned response and reads more like some emotional tantrum on the basis of a misunderstood comment.
I don't care for Pachter's spotty analysis, and his recent tirade over Zuckerberg's informal dress doesn't help, missing the point as he does.
I agree. I loathe piracy and those who defend it ("it's not theft!!!111"), but all this does is harm the consumer. I don't think these diversions are justification to steal the product, but they certainly give people a reason not to purchase.
Depends on how you frame the question. Most console sales? Worldwide? US Only? Most games? Attach rates? Cumulative game ratings? User satisfaction surveys?
"Yo mamma!"
For a second there I swore that was Kirby's New Gods.
In keeping with bringing Nintendo's worst ideas to the 360...
1) The 4GB 360 is hardly ever on sale. I've been looking to buy one cheap for a year now, and the best you see is maybe a $25 store credit on the $199 purchase. (I've been wishing for the $99 Black Friday fire sales of a couple of years ago.)
Yeah, lots of great entries get left behind. It happens. Grow up.
I had a small blister on my thumb. I haven't had one in decades, not even from the original XBLA Trials.
Sonic Generations has pulled me a bit away from Evolution, and I'm grateful since my thumbs needed a rest. I'll be putting away my Scorpion and giving the second half of Extreme tracks a go I think.
You have a guy enslaving your town? Well, I could go get some rope, stick him in jail, and hope the system works. I could also find the magic flute to play him a ditty to show him the power of low. Or I can kill him. Yeah, I think I'll kill him.
I don't like this. There's no real melody to separate it from any other generic video game symphonic background track.
"Indie" has always been video game's "alternative."
Bandcamp soundtrack alone is $3.99. This is a bargain.