
Shows like Variable Geo and Ikki Tousen make me wonder why that isn't the feature they've been working on and all excited about. Being able to shred clothing with attacks could be interesting. School girl uniforms aren't armor, but I always liked that feature of Fighting Vipers.

For all its faults, Heavy Rain was one of the first games I've seen really go the distance in attempting to realistically portray the pain of losing a child.


Holy crap. A reason to visit again.

You got the SILVER medal!

Being able to draw cleaner lines would be a start. :p Glad you liked it. :^)

More Trials Evolution mixed with Sonic Generations which I'm finally going to play. I actually had a thumb blister form from Trials. I can't get over that. I thought the calluses I developed from playing guitar would have made me blister proof. Didn't get any from Trials HD or Super Meat Boy, either, but bunny hopping

What did you do with all of your assets and accumulated wealth when you left?

Yep, and that's a big part which kills Eve for me. They're meaningless. It's allows Eve to be the Space Asshole MMORPG it is for better or worse since there's never any checks against bad behavior.

Too bad a gate camper wrecked your ship and podded you before you can make it through.

Unfortunately, dead air shows how useless they are, and they are being paid to talk in the end. I'd kill for an option to watch games with just the stadium noise. I know broadcasters tested silent games long ago, but it was deemed too bizarre or somesuch to do again, that viewers missed the banter.

You think she would either build support into the costume or just do without it since these are posed still shots anyway. Looks as if she did that for some Mai images but not all.

It's uncanny just how hard it is to tell them apart!

I imagine that was more of a "Oh no! My son is gay!" rather than "Oh no! My son has downloaded a computer virus!"

I'm not talking about braking for stability. If you're going up a ramp, you can brake at the top and fall over to shave off a few seconds wasting in a useless vertical jump. It helps to cut down the amount of time you spend in the air, usually accomplished by braking instead of leaping full throttle off a ramp.

All I see in n-4.

Yep, it's pretty buggy. I don't see how some of those flags are doable at 3 stars, either. Given the short development time frame, I doubt the game was tested much.

I've been doing that as well, but you'll adjust when you get to Extreme. I had no problem restarting completely for all tracks... then, Gigatrack. Depends on where I am on a Hard track if I want to use checkpoints or not. Since every run should at least be a Gold run, B-button means little to me.

That people are likely to recreate the original Trials HD tracks in Evolution is enough to skip the first game. I'm still stunned that something like "2D Shooter" is possible with the Trials Evolution track creator.