
I'm 50 hours in Tales of Graces f and yet I'm at the part where I'm looking for an airship. Is this.. normal?

Yeah, I've been loving it, especially when the sexual predator map website I was browsing earlier was bathed in kittens. :p

Best moment was clicking on a box and getting a message: "Multiple offenders found at this location. Please select one." as if I were browsing a wine list.

I didn't know there were Google sex offender maps. You learnt me something.

Nope, it was an earlier entry, just about an hour and a half after article posting.

There's a few tower defense games — Commander - World 1 is innovative and excellent, and there's also デッドラGO! and of course Sol Survivor. I guess you could put the Soulcaster games in there, too. Unfortunately, I don't think the genre does too well on the 360. Ephemere Games (Commander) has said that his game just

No blog, just the XBLIG.co site. I don't write too many reviews anymore but do update it every week or two with the better games I see released. I should have another small four game update to the list sometime later tonight since I'm feeling better (inhaled bleach as noted in #speakup).

No no... It's perfect as is. I wouldn't worry about image quality too much anyway except for the Kotakushop contests. That you even did a picture to support the joke is great enough. I had more enjoyment from your post above than the entire James Pond series.

This is great. :^)

Now playing

Craftimals is garbage. Super Ninja Warrior Extreme is the XBLIG game of the month. Great control, fast action, wall jumping, lots of levels, and just 80 points ($1). Think of it as Super Meat Boy with a sword and killing stuff. I just wish it didn't use a password to resume. The code is just four characters, but

I think Vanquish might have done better if it had multi-player and a decent advertising budget to get the word out. If Gears of War can be a hit, so too could Vanquish. Too bad that segment of the population is unaware of the game.

I liked Mag and Linear. :^) I wouldn't mind seeing a XBL/PSN port, but I think Sting has like three employees or something, and I doubt the game would attract enough fans to make it worth it.

Sega contracted GRIN to make a new Streets of Rage. GRIN is gone, and it seems to have taken any hopes of a sequel with it. :/

Yep, now "Featured" is just whichever comment has received the most replies. Funny how back in the day, comments were a race to first post so that people would gather the most responses, and while the star system was put in place to correct that, the current method of selecting "featured" posts pretty much negates all

Yeah, I have trouble believing this, especially with the info stored on Microsoft's servers already. It wouldn't make sense to keep the data on the HDD as well. I can guess that a user entering credit card data through the 360 could hold it in a cache or some such until the user submits it, but that being saved seems

I don't think the ports of old games do well. Sonic CD dropped near the bottom of the XBL Top 20 pretty quickly, and any sales were buffeted by it just being $5. Guardian Heroes didn't do good at all from what I recall seeing. VG Chartz has overkill at just 180,000 worldwide. Thor and Captain America didn't catch fire

Damn, that's it? Five games, six if counting Shogun 2 as RabidMonGoos mentioned. There were some quickie XBL/PSN ports of Daytona and Sega Rally I know along with Revenge Ops which did get good coverage.

What did Sega release last year of note besides Sonic Generations?

That's true, aside from the weed, but perhaps that's assumed by virtue of him being a musician. :p