
Tons of people mentioned him. You need to click "ALL" to see all the comments beyond the "FEATURED" one.

From the same Dee Jay article: He commented that "a really kick-ass black character would be awesome, instead of someone who was more negative, which is what you tended to see from the Japanese back in those days."

It's something I've read a while back, but looking it up now, it doesn't seem official. Capcom hasn't detailed Dudley's nationality other than that he's British. England and India have a long history over tea trade, and Indians make up roughly 10% of the country's population. That along with Dudley's facial features

Yep, it's a problem which impacts all media since most people contributing to its creation are not black. Shows produced by black groups do well in having that reflected in their casting choices, but then you're stuck with the bulk of these shows getting lost in the BET pit. Mainstream studios and networks avoid

Read the comments. There are lots of well developed (by video game standards) black characters, though the vast majority are regulated to side kicks as Evan notes.

Dee Jay was designed precisely to fight the Boxer stereotype and prevalent black stereotypes seen in most games of the time. There's nothing racist about him. Just a shame he isn't a better fighter in the games he's in.

That's the problem I have with this article, and a problem with "black culture" as a whole. I think it's slowly getting better, but many friends of mine have noted that other black people give them crap for speaking well, being educated, having a work ethic, or other stupidly perceived "white" traits growing up. The

Dudley's awesome, but he's an Indian living in England.

I only played it once and have been wanting to go through it again. It's been so long that I barely remember anything. Now, Maniac Mansion, I could probably write a walkthrough for that game still having made so many trips through it.

Yeah, and it's typically budget minded people complaining, those who's purchases do little to support the content providers. I can understand people being upset, but the current business model isn't good for the industry. As much as I love being able to buy new games for a fraction of their MSRP just a couple of

I'm still of the mindset that if you produce a quality product it will sell new.

Point-and-click's a bitch.

Panty shots are easy when you're just wearing a strip of crepe paper around your hip.

I just dislike hyperbole and paranoia/ignorance passed off as legit determinations of character or whatnot, that's all. When people say things that are untrue, dubious in nature, or misinformed, then they shouldn't be taken to heart and spread as gospel, that's all. It's not about "defending their practices" but

Me neither. It went from some cute, storybook Japanese/French/British hybrid to typical Japanese anime. :/

When Did Little King’s Story Get so, Ahem, Sexy?

A package whose cost to employees has almost doubled in the last 2 years

That and the sentiment behind the phrase has been used for centuries prior to it appearing in Star Trek. Doesn't make Wrath of Khan any less great. :^)

Plenty of exclusives on XBL. I'd agree that the company is short on retail exclusives, but it's not some enormous chasm like people like to believe. If you've noticed, content for both the 360 and PS3 are starting to dry up. Seems pretty obvious that all the developers are gearing up for the next generation.