
"Kinect: Dig."

I'm sure Johnny Gioeli is thrilled to see that he sounds just like Ray Parker Jr. :p

He's constantly doing stuff on Twitter and whatever popular video service he favors at the moment.

Yeah, I'm not defending that a $2 surcharge is exactly justifiable, but Amazon seems to operate with a rough set of standards when it comes to pricing content. I would tend to think that's more of what is at work here than simple price gouging.

I am equally mortified that some website writer is commanding me to play a free game. Am I made of money? What if I don't like the game? Of course, I'll have to do it, since we must obey such facetious commands received from the Internets, but it's just not right.

To be fair, HD art assets do require a lot more work to create, power to run, and storage space to hold than standard definition artwork. Because of the increase in bandwidth, I can see a distributor looking to charge more for it for the same reason that HD streaming movies tend to cost more than standard def ones on

Yeah, that's what I went while I looked into why Chrome was giving me problems. I would have stuck with Chromium except that I wanted the ability to import my bookmarks, so I needed Chrome to work for me, even if just in the short term.

Play both! The tension of the strings on your fingers and hands can/should hurt you right now. You'll have to develop calluses so you can do barre chords, slide, tap, and bend the strings without it hurting your hands too much. I'd imagine the process would go more quickly by putting more stress on your skin, which an

Having just done it and having several sites back this up, I think you're just looking to white knight Linux without understanding a legit issue with the distribution.

Not true. For some reason Chrome is not compatible with Ubuntu 11.10, requiring the terminal workaround to install the deb package.

3/21/12 — NEVER FORGET

That we somehow got Manning in here and Tebow out there only goes to prove that miracles can actually happen.

Linux is just hipster DOS. I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on a PC and was impressed by how slick it looks, but it's still shacked to the stupid terminal to make any inroads into mainstream usage. It is getting there, though, and I think maybe in five years it could start to be a factor with better support. Still, as

Bernie Stolar saved Sega. Bernie Stolar put the bleeding Saturn out of its misery — no, X-MEN vs. Street Fighter would not have saved it — and fostered in the Dreamcast which was a wild success, more so after the botched Saturn fiasco. I know he gets a lot of hate for not bringing over certain imports late in the

Thank you. That was bothering me, too.

Unfortunately, Sega had the most abysmal execeutive talent working for them in the United States for years - and that's ultimately what did them in.

You're covered in pink slime. Enjoy this cleansing dummy text.


Now playing

It's in the pearls. All them Asian pearls.