
This is brilliant and I’m here for it. Great theory!

VERY well put.

This is by far the best Rx I have EVER received for viewing ANYTHING. Kudos to you for such a well thought out and well SEQUENCED list of episodes to watch. I could say a LOT more in the way of praise, but for now just know that your work here is...invaluable. You’ve enriched my life, and you’ve probably enriched many

LOL. no.


Any thoughts on fan reaction to Game of Thrones Season 8? The online poll that resulted in over one million signatures? Surprised that wasn’t mentioned in this piece, since I saw a lot of parallels between reaction to Season 8 and reaction to The Last Jedi...especially with the demonization of the the GoT showrunners

Any thoughts on fan reaction to Game of Thrones Season 8? The online poll that resulted in over one million signatures? Surprised that wasn’t mentioned in this piece, since I saw a lot of parallels between reaction to Season 8 and reaction to The Last Jedi...especially with the demonization of the the GoT showrunners

“I wonder if killing off the scientists from the first movie was always on the table because Sally Hawkins’ character was killed off like she wanted off that franchise immediately.” 


Brilliant insight!! 100% agree. They just need to be reined in. 

Even in the apocalypse, Tom finds a way to keep his edge-up fresh as he tries to saves all the white people from racism.”

THIS. And the fact that his name was Tom. These two things won me over to taking your reading seriously, even if there’s a comedic, absurdist tone to it (i.e. “For some reason, the only thing

Hey, nobody calls Soundwave uncrazamatic!!



ALL OF THE YES to this.

LOL @ “potential lung cancer”

Best televised/moving picture adaptation of GI Joe, period. Resolute was amazing.

My thoughts precisely

I was definitely moved

Hi Annalee,

I met you when you visited NYC, and remarked that it was a small world because in one of my Black Studies classes at UC Santa Barbara, one of your books - White Trash: Race & Class In America - was part of the curriculum. Fast forward 14 years later, and I’m meeting you at an i09 event. It was a pleasure.