Haha yeah...Etrian Odyssey is awesome!...and so is Monster Hunter. The demos they put out never hook you like the actual game does and it's a shame that a demo like that is most player's intro to the series. :(
Haha yeah...Etrian Odyssey is awesome!...and so is Monster Hunter. The demos they put out never hook you like the actual game does and it's a shame that a demo like that is most player's intro to the series. :(
Veteran Hunter here too...kudos for thinking about the new blood...and I was pissed as HELL that the Wii MHTri demo was the way it was...just threw you in there and gave you no incentive to stick around. I hope what you wrote reaches a lot of commenters who may be interested. :)
I'm more excited for Etrian Odyssey 4 than PS4. :|
Sorry Sony...not falling for it this time.
Feminism is as feminism does. The misandrist agenda marches on...
"I checked the expansion bay and there were pictures of his girlfriend (it was clearly her) naked. She, unfortunately, was elsewhere in the store when this happened."
Add Momma to the Train pt. 2? This guy is too awesome to be from this planet.
"Every breath felt like overtime."
I hated that smear campaign Sony ran against Sega with...how they managed to recruit J. Goebbels into PR back then I'll never know...extradition protection, perhaps?
I got sun...I got shine.
I bet it would be perfect for Bangai-O
This is probably the most epically hilarious thing I will read this week.
That was dope
Emotional decisons are thee WORST.
Amen, brother...amen...and long time time Treasure fan as well.
I'm in...I passed on the Street Fighter chess set, but this one seems more up my alley anyway. Plus it's a WHOOOOOLE lot cheaper than the SF one. I'm just a sucker for this kinda shit.
I loved the 2600...my imagination hasn't been taxed that heavily since.
Tell me about it...my original tweet of this pic was quite forlorn in tone...in other words this is not a good thing. I'd go so far as it could be a snapshot for the current state of the industry...where repetition is rewarded *coughCODcough* but true gems like this end up in the bargain basket. It's a shame.
I'll just leave this here...taken yesterday at Fry's Electronics in Las Vegas. If you enlarge the pic, the game is actually $5 not $10.
I completely understand and share your sentiment. That said, I'll still take it anyway I can get it...and if that means complete bastardization as a last resort, you won't get any complaints from me! :D