This single announcement is the ONLY reason I WILL be purchasing an Xbox One. Chances are it won't happen until the month this game releases, but Microsoft can count on taking my monies on that day for SURE.
This single announcement is the ONLY reason I WILL be purchasing an Xbox One. Chances are it won't happen until the month this game releases, but Microsoft can count on taking my monies on that day for SURE.
I played through Binary Domain and absolutely adore Vanquish. You're alright in my book. :)
I just would like to say, that I know Mike Steele personally...and he truly is THE BEST DUDE!
Long story short: Playing PSO on Dreamcast religiously back in 2000 due to a depressing lull in my life, I somehow befriended a big wig with Midway Games. Free DC games (Le Mans!) and passes to E3 ensued. Really restored my faith in humanity. :)
Forgot things are taken so literally around here...and I was speaking about the fighting game character specifically.
It's like a fighting game in the sense that your character doesn't level up... it is actually the player that is leveling up.
My pic didn't post...ugh! EDF 2025 just in case...
Want epic NPC banter? Look no further...
Needs moar YO DAWG
It lost me at CAR BOMB -_-
This is awful, plain and simple.