Wow...that looks like waaaaaaaaay too much going on.
Wow...that looks like waaaaaaaaay too much going on.
Ummmm yeah...but since that isn't an option... :/
Just got Kid Icarus: Uprising and downloaded the 3D Classics version...and I kinda want to start a RPG...leaning towards Rogue Galaxy.
Does using a bigger stylus help?...saaaaaay the DSiXL one?
Sounds like my man Chris LaPorte in Vegas may be inspiring a few folks with his Insert Coin(s) bar downtown...gotta love it! :D
Of course not...contracts are with the carrier lol...but of course Apple has no problem twisting carrier's arms. ;)
Are we talking about the same Apple here? The one I'm speaking of gave recent iPhone purchasers $100 credit and waived contracts because they up and dropped a new iPhone damn close to the last one? :/
Spoiler Alert!...Adama will not die. I don't feel too bad about never having gotten around to NG 2...I think I'll finally pop that in this week and feel smug knowing that I'm not missing out on anything. ^_^
If this was Ninja Blade 2, it would be AWESOME! :D
...but the game's good. :)
Everything is going according to plan...EXECUTE ORDAAAAH SIXTY SIX!
I thought it was because Sony was a sponsor of EVO...learned something new today...
Best. Free roaming. Truck game. EVER! least it wasn't Michael Jackson...
This is the FIRST track that came to my mind when I saw the headline! :D
LLOL! (Literally Laugh Out Loud!) :D
I was just thinking about how a XBLA/PSN release of Skies would be awesome sauce...and BOOM!
Excellent. I'm sold. :)