
Well, if New York mag really wants to align themselves with that, no wonder they've had to quit publishing as much. I had thought of subscribing before because they have some good pop culture coverage, but hesitated because I'm on the West Coast now, and it already takes forever to get The New Yorker.

Oh, Nick Miller. You are the voice of an angry generation that both refuses to pay for the wiffy and refuses to listen to George Will mansplain rape.

For my money, Marie Claire is trying to be that. They have a lot of international coverage, and their sex articles are more essays than "87 Things He Thinks When You're Naked!" It's not perfect by any means, but they've recently done articles on student loan debt and the Texas abortion bullshit, both of which I found

All right, Mr. Kimmel. That's quite enough. You've made your point.

The only time that caption would be appropriate is for the Future Farmers of America spread on prize-winning male goats.

Report: Jon Hamm Does Not Actually Want to Put a Baby Inside of Me.

I kind of love Miranda Lambert. She's from the same part of the country as me, and she seems like she doesn't give a shit for the most part, so the "LOOK AT MY NEW BODY!" shit is a little depressing.

I feel like it can work for some people. "Can" being the key word. I messed around with a guy who was poly, and prided himself on being honest with his partner and all that jazz.

End result-he was flaky and not that honest. It all just seemed so exhausting, and I decided I don't like dealing with people who have to

Used to live in Arkansas, in the Fort Smith area. Naturally, clerks there aren't issuing licenses until a court makes them, basically. I'm disappointed but not really surprised.

However, a clerk or elected official in Miller County has cited the Bible. Dude, fuck right off. You aren't here to uphold the Bible. You're

That picture makes my heart melt. I'm sorry for your losses.

Can't wait for the cat's press conference. It'll probably just lick its ass and be all "Whatever. Stop taking my picture, jerks."

The war between cats and dogs (not cat and dog people, I should note) is never-ending. I love them both, but I have cats. A couple of years ago I had to move back in with my mom, and we

Congratulations! I used to live in Fort Smith, and it was kind of dreadful, but not just because it's super red and right on the Oklahoma state line. Honestly, life for same sex couples cannot be easy there, so I'm psyched to see this. I'm also thinking of all the bigots I ran into who are probably flipping their

I thought I was making out with a guy friend who would keep it casual and easy a few weeks ago. (he's poly). Then we didn't make out again. Then I asked if he might be interested in doing something later, when things calm down. He was kind of vague at first, then said "To be honest, it's probably a bad idea because we

Back when I lived in Texas, I asked my best friend to help me get an abortion if I ever needed one. Half-kiddingly called it the Abortion Railroad, or something. I wasn't even having sex then, but in a few years I went from a clueless teenager who thought abortion was bad because everyone in my tiny community told me

Gosh darn it, I love Colbert so much that I would have his babies, and I don't even want babies. I love him so much that, if a story came out about Colbert drowning puppies, I would probably tell myself the puppies were assholes who deserved it.

I had sex for the first time while Colbert was playing in the other room.

Ohh, you live in Seattle. I ... do not, but I live in the same state. I'd wager most Texans who are comfortable living in Seattle are at least comfortable with liberal ideas, so that's something.

Aww, accents. I get some comments on mine up here. I kinda love it. Thank you for being so nice to Texans, though! I lived

Yes, this. I remember seeing Natalie Maines say a year or two ago something like "it just doesn't feel like our time" re: Dixie Chicks getting back together. The implication was the band's moment had passed. But holy shit.

My mom and I don't like many of the same artists, but a couple years ago she heard me playing

Texas native here. This is how I feel when I see Rick Perry. He's not even remotely as entertaining as Jean-Ralphio, either. Probably because he's real.

OMG I had a dream that foresaw this just a couple nights ago!

OK, well, actually the dream was about how Ben Affleck wanted to bang me. Lots of people wanted to bang me in the dream, but he was the one I remember most. Anyway, I was all "You can bang me, Ben Affleck, but do you have a condom?" because my dreams are

I listen to that song and still want to bang Chris Martin. Should I seek help?