
100% agree somehow this show is slipping under the radar. it out-Attack on Titan'd Attack on Titan!

did someone say LOYALTY?

Jesus can tip tables like no ones business.

Haven't played Warframe I see.

he can freeze the water inside your body. hes pretty damn powerful

Rift was a sub MMO for 2 years with constant updates and an expansion under its belt. How many other wow-killers were able to pull that off?

Rhino stronk, he only needs his 1 horn.

Haha! do you actually expect PS4 players to go fast?

God doesn't need to take credit for bad things, people go and blame him anyway.

Agreed Samurai Flamenco is turning out to be a fantastic show

Thursdays are the most saving anime days!

You need this much Mako to match KLK Mako

Jubilee is the cutest vampire!

I know Kill la Kill is saving anime but I still enjoy PSG's transformations more.

Now playing

They also have the greatest transformation sequence known to man

The music makes the trailer.

I had an EVA fan screaming (all caps on the internet) that Crimson typhoon is a 100% rip off of of unit 0 despite the fact that single eyed mecha have been around for years, and that he's the color red to avoid a lawsuit.

Wouldn't the -10/-10 place it the graveyard as an effect before it can be exiled?

Gabe not a planeswalker card?