
A friend of mine actually did that. Lit a barn on fire and melted the super soaker because gasoline dissolves plastic.

Patently incorrect. The definitive editions and PC version have identical graphics, but the PS4/Xbox One have extra programming to make the trees move. No one's done it yet, but a modder could easily fix that. So try again, console fanboys.

Now playing

So we're all in agreement that this is what this guy saw when he went through the door, right?

Because bipedal robots are insanely difficult to balance properly. Compare Boston Dynamics' ATLAS and Big Dog. The latter is a far better design.

It is leather. I think the only metal armor Samuel has ever made was a set of brass pauldrons for Zelda.

I disagree with you because the corporations and the government have already made it so that dissenting opinions will be erased in the near future. They tried to once through TV and radio and failed, and now they're trying again by giving corporations free rights to form oligopolies (illegal under the Anti Trust Act)

By "it's mostly conservatives who are against it", I mean I haven't seen a single left-leaning individual go against net neutrality. The conservative consensus is mainly from the right wing blogosphere (Breitbart et all, have fun) (hence "if you talk to conservative on the internet", not just conservatives anywhere).

See, Fox News isn't and has never been a "conservative" outlet. It's populism for an older generation of conservatives, sure, but not in any way conservative. You're not gonna find too much against net neutrality in the news, but if you talk to hardcore conservatives (not just Christian blowhards) on the internet,

Which is funny because it's mostly conservatives who are against it. Just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Yes yes yes yes YES. Every single company that got bailed out starting in 2006 under the fresh Democrat-majority Congress? Should've been allowed to go bankrupt and the CEOs left to rot behind bars. Now, not only should they be in irons, but the Congressmen who voted to keep failing corporations afloat to continue

The way to fix this problem is not this vague net neutrality law, but actually applying the damn Anti-Trust laws without lobbyist intervention.


Pssh, at least in Houston proper you get to pick between Comcast and AT&T. Webster gets Comcast only.


Hahahahahhahaha! You really think that the cable companies having no competition in an area is unchecked capitalism? My word! So naive. The main ISPs lobbied the government to allow them to set up those monopolies, so the government has basically made it illegal for competition, aka true capitalism, to exist on a

We already had that on TV. The dissenting opinions moved to radio, and the Fairness Doctrine was passed to further silence them. Try again asshole.

The fact that Google and Microsoft, who have been feeding the NSA data since the start of the Iraq war, stand to gain from net neutrality, should really worry everyone. I use a lot of Google services and even I'm terrified by this.

And you know why that is? Because the government gave them the free will to do that! Those oligopolies were actually illegal thanks to the Sherman Anti-Trust law. So instead of trying to levy "net neutrality", which is just a repeat of the Fairness Doctrine and will allow the government unprecedented control over what

Sorry about all the creepers and such, but the article didn't mean that booth babes don't do work while they're at the booth, it means that booth babes aren't effective advertisement. They don't "work" for the intended purpose of increasing booth traffic. I think we all know people in your former occupation work very

Yeah, that's a variable that would be important to have in the main article.