I'm 90% certain that Brothers is an indie game.
SO FREAKING EXCITED FOR THIS. I don't even care that he's not playable, this is just perfect.
Oh, okay, gotcha.
You mean Alphonse.
I thought that was Wisconsin...
Depends on the group and the context. Over the radio, it'll almost always be "copy that" or some variation. But if it's not a stealth mission (i.e. most missions most soldiers will be on) and someone yells "MOVE OUT", a lot of soldiers will do the standard "HOOAH"/"OOORAH" to pump themselves up. It's all about…
By most people, sure, but not a bored, exhausted, and quite possibly injured forward patrol who has to wade through the crap. I imagine a lot of these weird names are simply sanity savers.
Farts and Darts is beautiful, omg. Hahahahahaha I love military lingo so much.
I use fubar and snafu a lot in personal lingo, such wonderful "words" to describe things far more accurately than polite English can.
Very likely.
Except Trey Parker, the writer for South Park, is a massive Japanophile and borderline expert on speaking Japanese. He wouldn't screw up that bad unless it was on purpose.
Says the person who's constantly proven themselves to be ignorant of basic engineering properties to the person who actually has gunsmithing as a hobby. Try again.
You don't have to do either of those things with glue and a hollow version of that muzzle piece. Jesus, quit being stupid.
Again, neither you nor the original prop makers (who also made the Endor Rebel rifles from a rather busted up M16 and the front end of a pump action shotgun, among other things) nor Adam here is being creative enough, because they aren't setting out with the intent of making something that works. There are ways to do…
Man, Texas's is lame.
Yeah, there should've been an astronaut riding a cow, with the desert right next to a forested lake to be accurate for us.
Eh, you're just not being creative enough.