
If I were Wilkins I'd let him keep it.



The blue and yellow armor with the red cape actually looks awesome.

I remember accidentally going the wrong way, haha.

Tina, where'd you buy that sweet AR-style paintball gun?

It's not full military, but Civil Air Patrol is an auxiliary of the Air Force and does much the same thing as what's mentioned in the article, albeit not compulsory.

I second this. It'd be a great shop contest.

Folkenstal is quickly becoming one of my favorite prop guys. His Skyrim stuff is top notch, and he's the first guy to tackle making Stalhrim weapons. Admittedly, I'd like to see armors besides Banded Iron, Ancient Nord, or the classic Studded, but if other people like that it's cool by me.

I dunno, I think you should read what I said again. Not all geeks or nerds are completely socially inept. All of them have a few issues, and a little awkwardness, but they aren't unable to function in society. Also I stole my definitions from somewhere I don't remember; as they're essentially the same word, splitting

Here's the definitions I use:

All news networks are doing that. Convince as many people as you can to stop reading any of the major networks (Fox, NBC, CNN, etc) because the mainstream media has an agenda.

Very much so. We may fire up our movie night chat room and watch it together.

No, that's NYCAssassin. Mark Meer is on the front row.

Aw, they look so great drawn realistically!

Oh my god. Do I really have to bust out my longsword fighting manuals to explain this bullshit to you?


I know it's his tail/umbilical but all's I see is CROTCHPLATE

Fire/Psychic is better than Fire/Fighting.

I highly doubt Newt is Buckbeak, but I do believe that Newt is a hipogriff animagus. Mainly because I see no reason for all these magical creatures to exist without people turning into them or having them as Patronuses. Everyone has boring animals for those instead of the fun ones.