
Alright, I've presented my fairly definitive proof as to why he isn't Skyward Sword Link. How about you give me proof as to why he is?

As someone joining the Armored Combat League, who also did a paper in an engineering course on the design and manufacture of swords during the Crusades and how that technology affected the outcome, I believe I'm uniquely qualified to say what is and isn't a sword. Prop swords are still swords, just as wooden practice

You can make a sword out of resin, it's just no longer a good weapon, which is why it's called a prop. With enough force it will still hurt. I can get a a metal one if you like.

Unless you're a prop maker...which I am. Have fun with 3 pounds of resin in your rectum.

Tell me where you live so I can come shove a Master Sword up your asshole, you blind shithead.


Are you blind? Skyward Sword Link is canonically right handed. SSB Link is clearly a lefty. SS does not have a bracer, while SSB does. SS has no details on his tunic or boots, and SSB does. SS has chunky anime hair pointing to the right, and SSB has realistic swooshy hair pointing to the left. SS's shield has

Quit being unrealistic? You really think it's realistic for a soldier of any type to try and go through a dangerous zone with shielding that they can use TURNED OFF simply because a former authority figure hasn't said they're allowed to protect themselves yet? Damn Sloshy, you need help. Seriously.

There's more differences than that. SS is canonically right handed, has hexagonal silver buckles, silver mail, a bright green tunic with no piping designs, teal vambraces, an open collar on his undershirt, poofy pants and chunky anime hair. TP is a lefty with gold mail and gold square buckles, a dark sagey/forest

Well, with Link, they've taken his Twilight Princess character model and merely recolored it to match Skyward Sword. It's not SS Link in any form or fashion. So either they occasionally break their own rule or WiiU Link looks way cooler than the latest version of the hero.

I'm not a feminist (you can go through my comment history and check how much I hate feminists) but even I thought the game was sexist as all get out. Samus, a strong, independent bounty hunter who's dealt with all manner of creatures by herself, can't have the sense to disobey the orders of a guy she's no longer

Now THAT'S a tie.

Don't be calling Gladiolus effeminate. Dude may have long hair, but he is manly as fuck.

Miss Fit is the best name ever.

Because SS Link is ugly. Besides, this is TP with SS's color scheme. TP had a darker tunic and greener vambraces and bronze mail. This has SS's bright tunic, teal vambraces, silver mail and tawnier hair. So it's a combo. And therefore probably the WiiU's Link.

I think they actually said "less than $5 a month" which, dividing 50 by 12, is about right.

Coming to the PS4? I really don't care, as long as it's available on Chrome I'm happy.

Someone's been shopping at Sam's too much.

Similar in composition, yes, but not nearly as contrived.