i think it's Kat
i think it's Kat
What I never understood is why he has to drag the movie into a quality abyss with really really boring generic people "caring about each other" and "doing people stuff" parts with shitty actors or decent actors trying really hard to not hate what they're given to work with. Honestly the movies wouldn't be horrible if…
Oh come one, youre way too harsh. The..lower part of her face does look like she was badly photoshopped in some weird way but overall its far from horrible
Holy damn. Your uncle is a hero.
Recaptioned, that would work really well as a "what the fuck!" gif, it actually looks more like he's saying that than "witchcraft."
It is to this day my favorite aspect of any ME game, i wish it was creatively explored and fleshed out, improved..instead they just axed it because people complained it was boring. Fuck you, you twitching mountain-dewed dogfuckers.
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yeah it really does
Alright, we can rephrase that. It was a powerful photo, because of the dystopian air pollution. The photographer made a neat artwork.
Still, that happening is art. Well, I guess it is if god. Oh god i had to think pretty hard about that.
Oh god that's funny
That's so awesome, why don't these dudes make like a full mod of trippy stuff and puzzles?..
I know, I love confirmation bias, too.
Oh my god thank you for reminding me! I forgot a long time ago to check up on them; the next 15 min installment has been out for like 9 months!..Judging by the view count, a lot of other people forgot about it, too.
ggghhhhhh this hurts so much
it's not the taste people are concerned about..
though the adolescence of it, exemplified in the lower thumbnail, is what has been turning me off
okay, i've already decided to get this game sometime but this just cemented that.... so fucking filthy, especially the first one
You know how old people tend to be set in their ways while kids are boundlessly creative? How kids can randomly say simply brilliant things, and older people can be absurdly close-minded? Do you remember how much more amazing and immersive reading, and really, everything, was, the younger you were? We seem to get less…