
what about the .357 magnum in the Half Lifes? Beastly powerful, accurate, and sounds soooo awesome...and the way the screen and crosshairs jump really makes it feel like you're firing a cannon from your hands...oh and the reaload animation! That little spin you flick onto the revolving drum is just so dope..

I'm sorry but the title "EA stands up to medal of honor pressure" is way too srs-business

6 is so true

My white tuxedo +ODST helmet man is all i need

@Kyuu: you must be a total graphics nazi cause that fire, while certainly not the most impressive thing i've ever seen, looks pretty good to me

@distastee: The answer to your last sentence is Half-Life.

wow the crossbow shots explode in multiplayer and not in singleplayer? Half-Life crossbow up the butt

@dracosummoner: aw no way! i played the shit out of that game and never heard it..that's awesome though

Though i still don't get why asian developers that make obviously asian-looking games like to set stories involving america and americans so much but this looks pretty interesting, just cause its kinda fresh (well not the cold war story the visuals i mean).

@VyseTheQuick: Yeah, when i heard of the deal i got kinda scared...Bungie said that they got a lot of freedom and it's a good deal overall but, still, i worry for their future.

godammit stop posting that picture its too hot!!

jesus if i was one of the parents i would like disown the child out of anger

@Anarkiwi: nah dude i get it, i was making an unrelated joke of my own that i thought of when i read your post. ...

I hate, hate the cover. Why the fuck did they go with the silly-looking Halo Wars armor instead of the classic+awesome Halo 1 gear? Or, which would make even more sense, Halo Reach-lookin armor? I've always loved the design of the Mjolnir due to the absence of oversized shoulders and blocky chest pieces (especially

@TheBrownDork: dude for a sec i thought the same thing, mostly cause i wanted it to be true since that would be awesome

@Anarkiwi: He was the One because he was just playing the apparently future version of video games and turned on god mode before immersing himself.

Pretty awesome, but I wanna see Smoker statues, the l4d1 smoker...or are there those already?