
Yes. He was trump’s ass-kisser from the early days, and I seriously doubt he would have gone rogue and made those calls without either direction or at least consent from the Big Orange. I think it only took this long to eject him because loyalty is more important than ethics and competence to this jack-o-lantern

In the words of the immortal Colonel H. Stinkmeaner,

That’s not terrorism, that’s peaceful armed protest. You can tell because they’re white. I know, I know, *waves hand dismissively* it’s a subtle distinction, but there you have it.

For what it’s worth, a Tineye search reveals another version of that picture that looks slightly more presentable, which suggests that maybe there’s been some small ’shopping going on —

Wrong, the Yugo has every right to be among the worst cars on any and every list. Yes it was an interesting story and it’s low price was a game changer when it went on sale, I was 12 and remember the amount of buzz it made. But as a car it is a turd wrapped in tin foil with little redeeming reason to keep it off the

California may save this country. I’m sorry I ever wished you would fall into the ocean.

Sanctuary cities are gonna be to a HUGE fight for this administration. Jerry Brown has already made his position clear.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

So we’re these guys. Doesn’t look scary or fascist at all.

Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?

...And one of their own (and an American girl) was killed in a raid gone bad by the very same man. Sad!

They did Nazi that coming.

Let’s real talk for a second here. It’s not a nuclear issue or a population one. Realistically speaking, how willing are the UK, Germany, France, etc to elevate to full conflict without US backing? Not to belittle anyone else but the US military is twice the size of the next closest member (Turkey) in headcount

You know, I *hate* Hitler comparisons, but.... wasn’t that the EXACT same reasoning Hitler used to start WWII?

You must be mistaken. I’m pretty sure Sean Spicer will soon be announcing that Poland has always been part of Russia.

Welp, that’s the price you gotta pay to keep your piss video off the internet.

I think he was being sarcastic.

Satirical post is satirical!