
The new updated Unity has both a 3D engine and a 2D engine and a hybrid. So when you are first learning Unity, it is far easier to learn the 2D first and then go on to Temple Run and learn 3D. From first hand experience, Flappy Bird is a great game for learning Unity. It is easy to understand sprites, objects,

Funny how this is the first thing you learn to script in Unity .. I have played and tested Flappy Bird so much it makes me a little sick to my stomach.

Bachmann is a horrible person and the sad thing is that she is perfectly happy being horrible and stupid. She makes good money and people listen to her and she has some power .. all because she is wretched and corrupt. Bachmann will die happy and at peace - even though she is the human equivalent rat vomit. That is

I wonder if there is name for when I person raises his hands in the air, looks towards heaven and utters a swear word.

Women are not taught how to handle perverts. Perverts rely on females not making a big deal about their inappropriate actions .. Most women (and girls) will ignore or minimize it. This asshole will continue to harass and assault women until he is confronted.

I have been playing this game for about week and I have to agree. Also, the game is extremely buggy (I have an iPhone 4s) .. there are times when it will just crap out in the middle of a battle and it takes a long time to load. My suspicion is that the game is trying to load an advertisement and can't connect to the

That's because they wanted an excuse to seize the drone - you know Christmas is just six months away.

You know this was just a cover - so that the cops could seize the really cool drone. That drone will be sitting in some cop's living room by November.

Narcissists always think that everyone is trying to make a statement against them. Here is a clue Jared .. No one ever thinks about you .. I know that it is hard to comprehend that people purchase the Prius for a whole variety of reasons .. that have nothing to do with trying to piss you off.

Whole Foods is a Conservative grocery store.

So, I got out of video game design in the 90's - And although, I did one game for a Japanese company FCI (Fujisankei Communications International) I was mostly unaware of Japanese designers - other than playing their games. It is my opinion there are two houses in video game design - American and Japanese. Yes there

Tennessee takes in much more federal funding than it pays in federal taxes .. essentially making the whole state on welfare. Probably best to drug test all the politicians and voters in Tennessee, since it is the rest of the United States that pays.

Twenty commercials .. Hulu is so much better than cable.

No .. It wasn't Brenda Romero .. Romero is younger than me .. One sec .. looking it up .. I believe it was Brenda Laurel - I mean it was 25 years ago. ... And I remembering this through the eyes of a snarky twenty-something. ..... I think I had some dealings with Brenda Romero on a D&D project. I never met John Romero

Ahh . and speaking of video game porn .. nobody does it better than the Japanese ..

lol .. you have played at least one of the games I was a designer on .. I am pretty sure.

It seems that he is not a game designer. Game designers usually design games ... and now with Unity and C# there is nothing preventing anyone from designing. This is not unusual .. many who are the biggest critics and commentators on game design have hardly designed any games.

Steve Barcia .. Silus Warner .. Ron Gilbert .. Rick Parks (as an artist) .. Louis Castle and Brett Sperry, Michael Legg, Arnie Katz and Joyce Worley (for being American Video Games Unofficial Historians) and of course Chris Roberts ..

Lord British in the late 80's would show up at conferences with a cape and crown. He would demand (sort of jokingly) not to be called Richard Garriott .. but Lord British.