
The gender was not mentioned to offer the child victim some anonymity.

Yet you needed someone to explain this to you.

So you first of all infringed on their privacy, but felt the need to do so on Xmas. Becaose you know the other 365 days in the year were inconvenient. You’re gross. And the guise of journalism isn’t hiding that from anyone.

Then it sounds like Greek life was not for you.

““Yeah. The only statement I want to make is that I am an innocent man — convicted of a crime I did not commit. I have been persecuted for 12 years for something I did not do. From God’s dust I came, and to dust I will return — so the earth shall become my throne. I gotta go, road dog. I love you, Gabby.”” If my

Who do you think that call belongs to?

No, killing her will prevent her from ever conspiring to kill, or actually kill someone :)

If that is what yourfeelings are, and you’re using those credentials in th pejorative, why do care at all?

Jesus Christ. Stop! This is NOT akin to denying service based on skin color. It’s a guys place and honestly the woman has been rewarded for being intentionally obtuse.

Wow great story. No really.

I am sure it was very hard to do this, but thank you!aybe it will save even one other child.

So trashy.

Wow. I bet you’re one of this people who think the fry Cook at Mcdonald’s deserves $20/hour too, right?

It's ok though white tears are approved.

“ended with the leaders of each sorority coming to my room the day before the letter giving invitation...thingy to let me know I hadn’t been picked by anyone.” Each of the Presidents came to your room, hmmm.

yeah, making people

you do realize that sometimes when people are shot, the bullet travels through the body, creating an exit wound, right?

Let’s hope to jhc he won't!

Do you have previous arrest for LSD?

So, you’re saying if if a criminal is clever enough to evade capture for X number of years, they have earned their freedom. Mmmkkkay.