
All I know was I actually offered cargos as a suggestion to rid our home of jorts which was a welcome relief. Totally won that very long battle.

I am never lucky enough to get these wastes of human flesh in my area. Probably a good thing since I have an anger management problem.

If he did these things she's still not complicit with the crimes.

"So many people" who all watch too much CSI. I'm all for an investigation by the agency in charge. The lambasting of a little girl by Internet users, not so much.

So you've been 16 and kidnapped, had our family murdered? Wow. That doesn't happen too often, props to you for blaming another child who has gone through what you have.

Guess what small dick? What flies in other countries is irrelevant to this instance and every other case of sexual abuse of a child. in this country. HTH!

I wish I could grow a dick right now so I could tell you to suck it.
What you think does nothing for the victims you deal with, so my guess is you're a defense attorney's wet dream, a paid gun with one trick.
Men like you talk a big game on the Internet but get you in real life you can't even look a woman in the eye.

Until you live through an extreme experience you have no comment as to what is normal.

The point is age of consent. She is a child. Even if(which I don't believe to be true) there was a sexual relationship she was in no way able to consent. He had no business listing after her. He was not her lover, if there was a sexual relationship he was her rapist. The people who say she is complicit need their

Had you ever flown Midwest Express before air Tran destroyed them? Amazing huge seats, fresh chocolate chip cookies baked on board. Oh I miss that airline.

So do you find rolls of fat attractive?

If you truly feel that way about people in your feed why don't you unfriend or remove from feed? I keep seeing people bitch about shit in their fb feed- hello? Fb is a choice right? Why are you looking daily at shit you don't want to see?

Oh zecat they have so much angst and embarrassment stockpiled that they have feel that they have cornered the market on moral outrage.

Oh it's so fucking old. Unless you're the fucking headliner you are back up. It's not about you.

*request, not requedt

Was there a poll in white font that I couldn't see? Cuz I'm 99.2134 % there was no request for your judgement, rather there was a requedt for ideas on how to save the potatoe. Hth!

Is this new info ? Having been a NARAL escort in the 90's this is old news.

But you're a man so there goes the privilege argument.

As I wal was like to mention if you don't like my feed, the unfriendly button is right there^^***

I am asking this because I can't make my brain work to think this way. Do you truly in your heart feel that this piece of flesh deserves humane treatment? I understand that the "rules" say he does, but do you believe this?