
There is zero evidence of favoritism here though. They could have swept this under the rug like FSU after a botched investigation - but didn’t. They indicted the guy and are putting him on trial. No theatrics, no stacking cases, no issues with any of the parties.

Also missed fifteen games last year

He’s obviously talking about the criminal justice system and its intersection with the disciplinary procedures of sports sanctioning bodies.

He means you’re criticizing the NFL for treating players one way but are OK with soccer treating Hope Solo the same way. Looks hypocritical.

Yo, I’m still going to watch the Women’s World Cup and cheer for the USWNT, and I do agree that there’s a distinction between intimate-partner abuse and family abuse, but this still kind of seems like some bullshit. I’m just not sure you can (rightly) be so critical of the system in the one case for doing exactly what

I agree she shouldn’t be held to a higher standard, the women’s soccer team has been held up either through the media (mostly) or through US Soccer itself as a group of women who should be looked up to by 8-12 year old girls throughout the country.

Also, Curry didn’t catapult himself into the first row for theatrical effect.

Lebron didn’t fall directly on his head like Curry did. You’re reaching.

Yeah, he was quite obviously throwing a little fit off what all the announcers conceded was a hard but completely clean foul, and it went all wrong. I’m surprised we’re just speaking on that in the greys and it’s not the big talking point here...

Those last two steps were for show (like he was selling the call / flopping) and it didn’t turn out the way he had hoped. Looks like he just lunged towards the photogs on his 2nd or 3rd step

Isn’t this Kobe-ball, but with way less efficiency. The only difference I see in this is that Cavs have an amazing defense to go with this iso-ball. I mean hell, your chart shows how terrible Lebron’s usage/ts% are comparatively to the HISTORY of the NBA.

Says the guy who probably has never had a career.

This is bullshit. If this were really true, colleges and universities would be falling all over themselves to add athletic programs for women and men alike (since nothing about this analysis is unique to women or women’s sports). But, in general, they don’t, because it doesn’t make financial sense.

Now playing

Part of it’s resurgence is the openess of it being, well, a drama. Don’t get me wrong, while it may be staged, the actors are still doing stunts, and in some cases risking their own bodies to just put on a show. So, while Pro Wrestling may not be real, it’s still quite “real”.

Maybe he's trying to say that for a website (that I love) devoted to scorning "hot takes", writing a huge article about how a sports team is a "burning disaster...a wreckage....fucked up" and then four months later writing a huge article about how this same team is having the greatest season by any team ever...is a

There’s a very real possibility that we have seen the last of Kevin Love this season.

Well, to be fair, so is Olynyk.

I just tried to lick every part of my body possible...No knees.

The camera angle on the replay is deceiving.

Yes and NFL teams like people who fit a mold. They are dumb can't leave their little box and try someone else. That is another reason why teams will look at Winston first. He looks more like and NFL QB or some shit like that.