
Kobe puts up 43 shots on a team of deadbeats and he’s selfish and the reason no one will play for the Lakers. Westbrook (who I love) does it and he’s “heroic”. Can’t beat the hypocrisy of sports coverage.

travel miles last three years

I used to be the head guy at a major news organization. We all used to love sitting around mocking and making fun of everyone who disagreed with us. We were so cocky. And successful. Until we all lost our way ... many got axed when the journalism industry started to disintegrate and the whole place collapsed. You guys

Difference being I’m old enough to remember ten of the Lakers’. How many of those do you remember? ;)

Griffin: [tries to hug Rivers]

Tim Breedlove, the accountant who sent the letter, confirmed that Smith planned these gifts out before his death. "It was his plan," Breedlove said over the phone.

which one is Jim Tomsula?

I had to look up the Fowler goal celebration because I didn't understand the context. It appeared that he was snorting along the ground but I still wasn't totally clear on the reference. I read the story, and I must say, that is the best celebration I've ever seen. This picture, and the fact he was snorting down

Sorry, but this a stupid comment. He had no chance at that ball.

Browns Owner: What's with these pre-draft shenanigans I'm hearing about Kevin? It's getting some people in the league pretty upset.

You know what I really love? Blog writers who neither have played the game nor do they understand the math behind analytics, and yet hold a belief about the superiority of one view over the other that can only be described as ideological.

Guys don't dump friends, they just fade away. That way, who knows, down the road your interests might converge and you're friends again. It's a very elastic concept.

Not a salary cap expert by any means, but pretty sure part of the urgency in trading for Love when they did was that his Bird rights came with it, and signing another max or near max player this coming offseason would be tricky and potentially highly unlikely. As a Cavs fan I'm pretty ambivalent about Love at the

UMMMM Sellouts are a requirement in the NFL, otherwise the games are blacked out on TV. Teams routinely buy out tickets and hawk them at cheap prices to maintain sellouts. A sellout in football is not indicative of popularity like it is in the other major sports.

(who-who, who-who)

you should stop telling that story

As someone who doesn't blurt out everything I do on Twitter, I want every pro athlete/celebrity to know they can invite me to come party and I won't embarrassingly blow up their spot.

That's because you're a bitch. If my wife cheated on me, we would be done in 2 seconds flat. Haha you guys were trying to "work things out"... She was trying to get you to forgive her, so she can go back to having the affair she started.

LOL, those are your "credentials" in regards to questioning the veracity of Konrad's claim of how far out he was. Lololololololol... How cute!

Having grown up on the water in Miami, it's pretty obvious you haven't spent much time on boats. How did he know how far out he was? Hilarious.