
To be fair Suh shouldn't have been on the field for the game....so let's call it even maybe?

Yet another diatribe from another uneducated outsider, whining about things that they don't want to do personally, and so don't want anyone to do. There was a time would I would quote all of the statistics, historical facts, and information that shows MMA to be, not only a beneficial undertaking, but also less

I think for experienced cooks a thermometer isn't necessary. But for someone who is just starting or starting to get serious, it's an important tool. Associating the right look/feel to the correct temp and all that.

Quick, look over there!

If you want to call him the N word just go ahead and do it, man. No need to dance around it by mocking the way he speaks extemporaneously while discussing something he's obviously upset about.

Your complete thoughts pay you how much? He is better at what he does than anything you will ever do in your life. You must be the same person who hears an eloquent black person and goes "I didn't expect him to sound like that".

How am I attacking the victim? If he thinks putting all this out there is making the other parties look bad, I simply disagree.

Why is it that the comments that make it clear that you left parts of Winston's statement out have not been approved? It seems to be a bit of a trend....

Good job leaving a vital piece of information out of your blog entry. We all see past your game, Kevin. You blast Winston in the blog post, leaving out important bits of the story for the sole purpose of selling your narrative. Then you slyly drop a mea culpa in the comments without updating the original post. It's a

This is a gigantic fuckup Kevin. I'm not sure if it was intentional because it didn't fit your narrative but if I was your boss, you would never be writing about anything relevant again.

I don't know enough about the case to have an opinion. I root against FSU becuase Winston maybe a rapist and if the Jets draft him I

I think you have made a decision without reading his statement.

"but that isn't at all how consent works. Consent has to be given: it isn't assumed that you can have sex with somebody until they withdraw consent."

"Waaaah waaaah, I don't want these objects of my entertainment expressing their political beliefs like human beings, that makes it harder for me to divorce myself from my reaction to their late-life CTE!"

Get a life, dude. Since Owens in '36 (and perhaps all the way back to the original, OG Ancient Greek Olympics)

I think you're onto something here. We should categorize all people the same way our cable service is categorized. If I ever saw Jim Cramer holding an umbrella, I'd be like, "Stick with stocks, money boy! We have The Weather Channel for a reason!"

I'm just curious how a few players coming out of the tunnel with their hands up for a few seconds "infected" your entire Sunday afternoon. If that's all it takes to derail your entire day, well, that's a whole other issue you might need to consider.

The nonstop Lakers coverage has gotten so tired. Why does deadspin feel the need to write article after article about a bad basketball team that everyone knew would be terrible?

Are you a moron or a child? Asking for a friend

Welp, we know Gregggggggg's burner account now.

Please give credit to Reddit user /u/jewishdoggy

Even with all of that stuff being true: where you live is worse.