
It’s horrible. We shouldn’t have anyone in this country afraid like this.. Not ever. I keep hearing people I know on the conservative side of things telling me, “well, this is how we felt 8 years ago.” No, no it is not.

Yes he’s an idiot, and perhaps has a worse temperament than Trump. But looking at how close it was, I don’t think you can say that without Johnson or Stein Clinton would have had any better chance of winning.

I made a massive reply to someone else on another article, so I’ll keep this short. I doubt this is any consolation to you, but the popular vote has got to be almost done now, and it’s 59.2 million for Clinton to Trump’s 59.1 million. That’s less than a 0.1% difference between the votes for the two candidates.

If it’s any consolation, which I doubt it is, but honestly there are so many factors that I don’t think the blame can fall entirely on third party voters.

Wow. What a fucking idiot you are.

So basically it’s actually a really sucky way of knowing that the power’s gone out. Why not just do the normal thing and look at the clock on your oven/microwave/whatever?

The chances of one of these scenarios occurring is slim to none. On top of that, the chances of such a scenario being the fault of the person not in the autonomous car is almost guaranteed.

Towards the end of thar she looks close to crying.

Also the reaction that that Watters asshole gets to his question at 1:29 is fantastic.

I love how a few seconds into the video Bill O’Reilly says that “CHY-NAH!” (not “China”) was mentioned 12 times in the debate.

To me it doesn’t actually look appreciably better...

Yeah, I do not want Trump to be president, but I had this same debate with someone at work today.

Yeah I was going to comment about this. I’ve looked up Euphoria before when I found out it’s the thing behind GTA’s real-time physics for NPCs. It’s extremely impressive, and for this guy to be touting it as a feature of his mod can only mean that he edited some config file to make GTAV use more of its features. If he

I don’t get it, what was wrong with just using an actual photo from the event? What was the point of using an old photo, was it about the number of people in attendance?

The use of a more conventional truck chassis would be to be better able to meet the strict dimensional standards of trucks, and, ideally, to leverage an existing base of suspension, brake, trailer engagement equipment, and other common parts.

The use of a more conventional truck chassis would be to be better able to meet the strict dimensional standards of trucks, and, ideally, to leverage an existing base of suspension, brake, trailer engagement equipment, and other common parts.

I’m not American so won’t be voting at all, but I don’t really disagree with much of what you’ve said in your last reply. All I was saying is that you can call people who aren’t going to vote for Hillary a lot of things, but coward isn’t one of them. The only way that makes sense is if you’re saying that they’re

cow·ard ˈkou(ə)rd/ noun