I’m saying that if I was her I wouldn’t be so sensitive about what people do in online games. Also I wouldn’t complain about how every little tiny insignificant thing is offensive to Group X, Y or Z.
I’m saying that if I was her I wouldn’t be so sensitive about what people do in online games. Also I wouldn’t complain about how every little tiny insignificant thing is offensive to Group X, Y or Z.
I think you know why: It’s because like a lot of bloggers on the internet today she is a highly inconsistent (hypocritical) person who will make a huge deal out of something then not even notice when she does it herself.
That was the only thing I could think of as well. But it seemed like a pretty poor way to say that coming from a guy who is complaining about someone not communicating clearly enough.
Lady boyfriend must be a typo because that makes no fucking sense whatsoever. If it’s an actual thing, then I am judging because it’s a stupidly contradictory phrase to pull our of your arse.
You know that not all Germans were Nazis right? If you think you have to hate every German who lived through the second world war then you're thinking wrong.
I don’t think 12K is officially defined anywhere, but if it ever is it most likely won’t be the same thing as three 4K monitors placed side-by-side. If anything it will be equivalent to nine 4K monitors arranged in three rows of three.
If the satire is effective and she gives no obvious hints, almost none. What’s the difference between Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report and Bill O’Reilly, they both say the same things, what’s the difference? Stephen Colbert conformed to Republican stereotypes, he must be pretty damn stupid, right?
It’s Poe’s Law in effect.
She intentionally baits people who think she’s doing some breast stream.
I don’t think it matters that she’s doing it sarcastically, I think it’s pretty damn stupid to intentionally conform to a stereotype like that. I mean, what’s the difference between her saying it’s satirical and her doing it completely genuinely?
“Perhaps when racism is no longer a thing”
Alright, fuck off then. :)
Ignoring the many things you got factually wrong, most likely on purpose, it's pretty clear that you just have a personal distaste for Clarkson. Nobody should take anything you wrote seriously.
God, you're such an insufferable cunt. You are clearly one of these people who just hate Jeremy Clarkson. Why are you going on and on and on and on and on and on about this?
The longer you wait the better it will be though.
√-1 η Σ π u η Σ 2?
Pi Day is stupid because American date formats are stupid.
Good god, it's like a walrus or a seal.
She got close. Really close. If she were a real person, we'd have been nose-to-nose. It was weirdly uncomfortable. My brain—only partially aware that what it was experiencing wasn't real—surged its synapses with mixed signals, ones usually reserved for awkward encounters with actual humans. "Who is this person? You…