That's one thing I'd like, but the following are also on my wish list:
That's one thing I'd like, but the following are also on my wish list:
I wouldn't be so sure that you have a faulty processor. I thought that was the case with my 4790K, because with its stock cooler it would have the same idle temperatures as yours (and it would easily get to about 90 degrees when playing the new Wolfenstein). A 5 minute Intel XTU stress test would get it up to over 105…
His speech issue
Groot was the worst part of the movie. You could see the "We are Groot" line coming from a mile away (i.e. after his first "I am Groot" line) and that was a disgustingly awful full-stop on an otherwise enjoyable movie. I hated that character.
Good luck.
It isn't, and nothing else you said has anything to do with what I was saying. I hope you sort your life out, see you around.
I don't know if you're trolling at this point, but no it's not. It's more than that, the language is just a part of what CUDA is. Even then the language is called CUDA C, because it's C with a few extensions.
I wouldn't normally waste my time on someone like you, but you're such a fucking moron I can't help myself.
If my not entertaining?
Yes, based on his English it seems like he probably doesn't know how strong the language sounds to native speakers.
You do when its existence relies on being discussed online. We're at the point now where Gamergate will cease to be a thing when gaming sites stop talking about it. Like all hashtags, its fad-phase is over and it's on the way out.
Like the OP, I'm not on a side of this. But what I've seen a lot of the time is a misuse of the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.
I'm looking forward to when this comes out next week. The thing I like about the first three Halo games is how perfectly well-crafted they are, particularly Halo 3.
Mmm, it's so smooth it's making me feel nauseous. Very nice.
Wash your duvet in cold water. If you use hot water and it shrinks, the duvet inner might not fit into the cover properly anymore. If that happens then you'll notice the misshapen duvet every time you look at it and it will suck forever.
Screw you, now I hear it too.
Well, so it looks like those accusations were misguided at best:
Thanks, I will read it
Do you have any links about that?
I only read your comment in James May's voice.