
Wash your duvet in cold water. If you use hot water and it shrinks, the duvet inner might not fit into the cover properly anymore. If that happens then you'll notice the misshapen duvet every time you look at it and it will suck forever.

Screw you, now I hear it too.

Well, so it looks like those accusations were misguided at best:

Thanks, I will read it

Do you have any links about that?

I only read your comment in James May's voice.

I'm not seeing anything in that scene that looks particularly impressive, what part of it do you mean? I guess the textures on the elephant aren't bad, but as for everything else it looks pretty average. Especially the sharp lines of the elephant's polygons, and the way it's movements don't seem too smooth or natural.

Real world:

I'm sure they do get a lot of spam, but if they ask for a key then can't be bothered looking through their inbox for it... why did they bother asking in the first place?

The one from Swordfish doesn't count at all. He's saying "let her go" because it's a cop who thinks he's rescuing someone, when she's actually got explosives on her set to detonate if she gets too far from the building.

"And it's true, stuff like G+ and facebook is there... but that doesn't directly enable you to open up a dialog immediately, at least not in a private fashion."

1. Read the email

First of all I don't see how this is at all disturbing without trying really hard to ignore the fact that it's just an image stuck on top of a video, but even so how does it being disturbing make it understandable that the code has not been made available publicly?

My point is that you can present just about anything as a common trend in a medium if you specifically set out to look for the occurrences of it. There are a lot of games there, yes, but the examples in the Tropes vs Women in Video Games series make up a small portion of the content in some of those games, which are a

Don't be a prick.

Reading comprehension for fuck's sake.

"Take a class, kid. You aren't paying me enough for this."

A fair bit of the tone was condescending, and it feels like maybe something else was a bit off with the video, so I'm pretty wary of putting any real stock in that channel, but I basically agree on all the points. Presenting this side of the argument has been long overdue, and I think it's fair to say that the

Yeah, the triggers being on the back of the wheel in addition to the bumpers is nice, because you can use the clutch that way. But there should at least be a clutch pedal as well.

The triggers and bumpers being on the back of the wheel (so you can have clutch and gear selection) is what I like most about this wheel. I'd like to have one, but there's no way I can justify that spend.