
This whole situation makes me fucking angry. But not just the story itself, the comments as well.

He obviously didn't do it too many times

Yeah, when I see videos like this I just think how it's a certainty that the person is going to kill themselves eventually.

That doesn't work for me, every game I get I've had to manually select inverted controls despite my profile settings.

I could but I would be let go due to context. He posted a threat to a public website with No real context behind it besides what could be taken at face value. That's the difference.

Fuck no. If I joked on my Facebook page about something like this, among friends, and some bitch eavesdropped then called the police - the only thing that should happen is her getting warned about wasting police time.

You stupid fuck, you're talking about "Sony people"? You think this is some Xbox versus PlayStation fanboy war?

It's more than just similar, it's the same rhythm and same visual style - maybe even the same notes but I don't have a good enough ear to tell.

Terminator's got one less note though. And I think Terminator has the same note played every time - it's more like a drum beat. So basically it only has the same rhythm, sort of.

Impossible, this movie is clearly from two or three decades ago

I am the opposite, I hate "art" like this. It seems like a cheap way of getting attention when you otherwise aren't able to based on merit.

Are you trying to incite a reaction for being a patronising ass as well?

My facial recognition abilities are a bit poor, but I really don't see how that looks like Ellen Page without most other girls in the world also looking like Ellen Page.

No you imbecile, like I said: you can use "gender" to refer to "sex". Some words have multiple meanings.

Yeah I'm talking about sex (gender can also mean sex by the way). At what point was this conversation about gender in the non-sexual sense? You've made the same mistake as everybody else by assuming that this started as a discussion about gender.

Because he began that sentence with "I think". He said: "I think gender is the same as genitals".

He wasn't denying the validity of the definition Patricia used. He was explaining the one he uses. And by the way gender meaning sex is also a completely valid use of the word.

Further, as I was replying to someone else: This whole argument is about a game for "women" which assumes the player has a vagina.

You have the analogy backwards now and missed the point of what I was saying. Sandwiches that aren't burgers don't even come into this. But let's get away from the burger analogy because I think at this point it is confusing things.