Because the next gen consoles will take care of used games instead?
Because the next gen consoles will take care of used games instead?
Didn't think anything of either of the pictures, then saw the headline that there was "a point" to them.
Do you mean the Earth's north pole?
There's no way, even if they hadn't just done the rebranding for Windows 8. I really think those look terrible by the way, they don't fit nicely in line with the text in any way, and the colours for Office are ick...
That would be a pretty awesome marketing move.
Surely with that many shapes in the document it starts to lag like hell?
It looks like he's just using the vector graphics like you get in all MS Office programs.
Good idea for noting it all down. I've heard that it's looked on extremely favourably.
Man, what are you doing? If you're in New Zealand, we have worker's rights. Everything you have said here would be more than enough to get you significant compensation, if it's true. If you're worried about proof, keep a diary of all of the bad treatment.
That was completely reasonable, unlike a lot of the other sexism related stuff that gets reposted here. So thanks for that.
"My niece, however, is more into using the camera on my 3DS to pretend she's making videos on YouTube"
You should look at the picture, he's smiling. It doesn't make it look like he doesn't want to be there, it makes it look like he's completely casual, and comfortable with being there.
Yeah, but if Bill's handshake was done on purpose it tells me he doesn't give a shit about bullshit traditions and conventions that make no difference to anything.
Your laptop has 8 cores?
This is the exact point. I didn't want to get into this bullshit thread, but I will to congratulate you on making the most important point that nobody else ever seems to.
MMA and Taekwondo? I don't know anything about it, but I understood from other people that Taekwondo is basically a joke? What are the two doing in the same place?
This is ridiculously similar to Gangnam Style.
Meanwhile my computer vision assignment looks like trash
You speak the truth.
Yes, then Master Of Puppets in a closish second.