
You pointed something out which might lower the number I gave by a few percent, if you're even right about how the statistics are calculated (you could at least give some evidence that justifiable homicide is included in the numbers). Meanwhile the fact remains that the 11,000 number I used was a ballpark figure, so

I don't really use Skype but when I do I always think it's a bit tacky.

Are you kidding? Halo won't last forever, and the guy's right about what will happen when 343 is no longer needed.

Hypocrisy is what I meant.

As I say those were off the top of my head, but I disagree that the second article was a legitimate example of sexism. To me it seemed the guy was being polite, in the awkward situation where it looked like someone didn't know what they were doing.


I only made a joke about you spelling his name wrong, calm down man. (By the way even if I was using a phone smart enough to spellcheck for me it wouldn't tell me about Bidden vs Biden. I don't need a machine to tell me that you spelt the Vice President's name wrong.)

The difference with people getting killed playing football is that they're doing something they want to do, and there's a small risk to doing it. They're not getting murdered on the football field.

Great satire, it really is

Maybe, but I think people controlled that easily are beyond saving. If companies like Fox didn't have this game to use to rile people up, they'd just use something else. Or lie. The guy that made this game does seem like he could be a bit of a fuck-up, but I can't blame him for having a bit of fun with trolling the

I'm not American either, I just have been taking an interest in their politics recently. Probably because of how terrible and laughable it all is.

God dammit don't make me go back through all of the posts.

That Fox video was hilarious! When Hannity said "Don't put words in my mouth!", getting so mad, he had just told Tamara "So you approve of it? So you're fine with it?". The exact same thing, he was putting words in her mouth!

I don't know who Joe Bidden is, but I know a man called Joe Biden who was very clear that he has no opinion on the influence of games on violent behaviour.

Those people are stupid anyway, and this is just trolling them. If they take the bait and try to say this game is what's wrong with America, they've only shown everybody how stupid they are.

No, the problem is when every little thing is claimed to be misogyny when it's not. It makes people take the entire issue less seriously, and Kotaku is guilty of it.

Ok. But what's your point?

Hmm, I must never go through that part

How can you possibly tell? The MCU is supposedly controlling the brakes and steering mechanically in the same way that a person would, so when causing a crash the steering wheel would still turn and/or the brake pedal would still get pressed.
