So it's actually a computer generated image, with the satellites measuring only clouds, and not an actual photo?
So it's actually a computer generated image, with the satellites measuring only clouds, and not an actual photo?
When Kotaku changes a headline the URL stays as the old headline. It's not the same as them adding a note, but it's a way of checking yourself if the headline has changed.
Really sick individuals, that's who.
And after the update, it turns out that all of the people telling you that you were wrong, were completely full of shit...
You're the only person making a fuss
I wonder if it beats working with this horrendous SAM7 board I am having to use
Are you kidding? When he's just regurgitating what his father has told him, then absolutely it's a nice argument.
Throw SimCity into the mix as well
We're not?
Why doesn't he just act tough, pretend he's doing a good job, and accept a bonus when the company dies? Isn't that what CEOs do?
I see, thanks
I see, weren't they recognizable as enemies though?
What the hell happened at 3:57?
I watched a bit, but after procrastinating the whole day I can't justify half an hour on it
Quick look, 32 minutes?
Spot on. It's pretty clear why this is more disturbing than killing virtual humans in a game like CoD.
It would seem that people can't read... I agree with you though
"Not surprisingly, participants selected from the bottom 20% were more likely to report hallucinations."
So Fox News can spout bullshit as soon as they like after an event, that's fine. But if people call them out on their bullshit, well, how dare they do that "already"?