
When some of them said they don't understand the violence, I don't think that's a major factor at all.

I don't understand these kinds of stories. The truth is that the dad made a game from his daughter's ideas, and the dad gave a TEDTalk and brought his daughter along to be part of it. I just don't get why we have to pretend that young children have done something extraordinary when they haven't.


We got a PC gamer here who doesn't actually know anything about programming or how games are made

Oh, ok. I didn't think it would create big enough voltages to destroy stuff. I thought it would be just enough to induce a small current, that could maybe change a bunch of bits in memory. That's pretty powerful then.

I've got to disagree. I doubt these will get used on hospitals or anything that would result in people dying just from the loss of electronics. Even if they did it wouldn't make it a lethal weapon, just lethal use of a non-lethal weapon.

You could still reuse all of these electronics right? My guess is that no physical damage is done by the EMP, so no electronics would actually get broken, it's just that any memory in a device would get corrupted. Is this correct?

Ha I saw that too

It sounds like the most plausible explanation

This made me almost lose my mind


Why are there no comments about how good this Paul Davis guy's reply is

But I thought casual games were the future! I invested everything I had in Zynga!


"How did I imply that Foxconn or Nintendo shouldn't be held responsible?"

I don't buy this "blame the consumer" business.

You found the broccoli? I still can't see it

Why is it a requirement to have a public repository on Github?

What exactly is a Hobbit Slam?