Yeah, just basic stuff. Lobbies, matchmaking, player migration. :P
Yeah, just basic stuff. Lobbies, matchmaking, player migration. :P
Local multiplayer is still way easier to implement than online multiplayer.
I hope she didn't do it anyway. Fuck them.
I didn't think the rest of it looked that great, maybe it was the video quality, but the damage done by the water cutting through the boat is worse than any improvements they can make.
No, that's wrong unless you can give evidence to prove that it's not the action of a "healthy mind".
It looks like a cool place to work, and being part of something like that would be awesome, but I see these videos and you can just see how much work everyone puts in. Everyone that works there is talented, and even though they're joking around you can tell they take their work really seriously.
Couldn't this kill you? What are they thinking using bleach internally?
I don't know if I'd call it an illusion just because the function comes from a part of our brain, as far as we know all of how our mind works is handled by the brain.
I'm shaking my head at anyone who has put money towards this. Seriously, this is ridiculous.
Can you elaborate on LSD experimentation proving that self-awareness is an illusion?
Fuck off. If people don't know that zombies aren't real then they shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
Really obvious that this game is using the Assassin's creed engine or a version of it. The idea behind the game is interesting, and it looks quite good, but a lot of people are getting hyped about this and I think they should be a bit more careful.
Whatever, continue to respond to the few points of mine that you can while ignoring the rest. I should have stopped replying long ago.
Insults? What insults?
This is exactly how I think of it, right down to having to relocate every particle in the universe to it's previous state.
Whatever troll. I'd still like the details of what Activision did out in public. And the settlement proves nothing except that what Activision did was bad enough to warrant them paying out to keep it quiet.
Also, you've said plenty of times how greedy etc W&Z are without backing it up. That's bias.
"they've meant to have done"
I hope the terms leak. I think it's important Activision get exposed properly for the crap they've meant to have done.
Fixed price: Price is agreed on beforehand, so that it is up to the contractor to keep the costs down enough for them to still profit.