
I'm pretty sure the fact that you professed to having a favorite clown on the internet just landed you on some kind of watchlist.

Black electrical tape over all the little power indicator lights on your TV, DVD player, fan, etc. TOTAL DARKNESS!

I think this is a cool setup to experiment. The kind of person that would buy this though is more advanced then I think most people who want to try a smart home. Based on trial and error though here are the things I've installed and recommend:

I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!

I think the idea that Mexico's neighbor has great Mexican food plugs right into my idea. The 'Mexican' restaurant I went to in London however...

Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.

The middle school I work at really demonstrates this. None of my kids have any drive to continue on after high school and the local high school doesn't require an entrance exam from my school so they don't study at all. They are content to live the working class lives of their parents, no dreams of college or work

4. The cP is viscosity, the bit you quoted is specifying the type of spindle used for the testing and the RPM at which the mayo was tested. The more you know!

Our concern here is not about innovation, it is about misleading labelling," a Unilever spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday. "We simply wish to protect both consumers from being misled and also our brand."

I'm a brilliant dealer in men's accessories?

I read that as "making out doggy style" and had so many questions about what kids are up to nowadays.

Okay, I wouldn't call VS good taste or good quality, and I wear it

if you want to donate I have a GoFundMe site set up for his legal expenses. I volunteer for Arnold and Love Thy Neighbor. I cook. And serve. I am also on the Board. We are a small, private, non profit that receives no govt funding. We would really appreciate all the help we can get. Link-

what he did was stupid, but "fend for herself"? c'mon, she can't be a moron.

On Tuesday, while waiting as my tattoo artist prepped her station before inking me, a white man leaving the parlor/gallery with his girlfriend came up behind me and ran his hands through my afro.

At this point, I take the dog to the vet.

I have to admit that I was the tiiiiiiiiiiiniest bit scared that something from my cooking blog would end up on this list. You never know, right? One girl's paté is someone else's trauma story.

Woo, an excuse to bust out another Harrowing Tale of Shit I Ate as a Kid.

Should be "A Body for Every Body, Unless You are a DDD+, In Which Case You're Shit Out of Luck, Honey."

Am I the only one who SO WOULD