
I feel like we need a fancy web 2.0 diagram flow chart of your explanation complete with tips. Then all we need to do is get that shit on FB or Twitter....

Oh my gosh how frustrating!!! I would just be pacing my halls if I were you :S

Mine was bad for about 3 weeks (shivering, bone and muscle aches), then tapered off but didn't really leave until about the 8 week mark. My most major symptom after the first bit was extreme fatigue. I was taking 3 hour naps in the early evening every day until about the 6 week mark and then the last two weeks I was

Sad but true.

Christ just had a FB argument about chivalry. Friend of my bf's posted a photo saying something along the lines of, I try to be chivalrous but women are bitches. (literally bitches.) And I said, why not just try and be nice to everyone without expecting things in return? And everyone blew up on me that women are

Oh ya, the acting was the worst. That's what makes it good!

Oh well, perhaps it's only amazing if you've been drinking wine for hours first? Haha.

But you kind of ARE picked out at random on OKC because you gave some random dude a boner. Case in point: I met my bf on OKC a few years ago, and he sent me a nice message and I thought he was cute and not creepy and so we went on a date. Come to find out, he sent that same message to like 25 other women, all selected

So awful that it wraps around to being AMAZING.


Ya, when I visited my family in central Europe a few years ago, they told me if a pregnant woman misses her daily small glass of red wine, people start to gossip and are shocked! It couldn't be just any wine though, it was this specific one that they all felt/knew had better nutrients in the soil (or something, sorry

Nah, my name is a common name spelled with two Ys and although I was constantly (and still am!) telling people "with two Ys", I love my name.

I love Wyn!

Reading that made me, for the first time, truly understand a man's reaction to seeing someone get kicked in the balls.

I'll admit it, I think Wynter is a cute name.

Totally agree with you there, I feel the same way with my bf. Nothing needs to happen now, but I'd like to know if things are likely to!

I would be pretty upset if what happened at Christmas happened to me and my bf.

Oh man, I get like that too... Hearing someone else's view point on a situation that is starkly different than yours, especially in the romantic sense, is super jarring. Honestly reading what you wrote sounds exactly like how I am in my head - downward spirals. I automatically assume the worst about myself. In therapy

I thought that read, "only gay youths" and wondered how that was going to work.

Another point such people might make is that they like the ability to choose where their money goes, instead of being "forced" to. (Source: I am dating a libertarian... can I get some donations for emotional stress? haha.)