...or very ready.
...or very ready.
One nice thing about maternity leave is that it opens up temporary jobs for people who may not have gotten the job otherwise, giving them a great boost in experience for their resume.
Are you talking about reiki? I am a total skeptic and the only reason I ever tried Reiki was because it was free for me (I worked at a wellness clinic and we got to try out the new services). I was blown away, it was very good. My eyes were closed and I could tell where her hands were over my body. It was a very…
Don't carefully what during mealtime?
Sorry to clarify also, my snark was for those idiots, not you!
Oh good, so I can add a carton of milk to the diet then.
Well, it clearly shows racism is dead because Beyonce and Oprah are successful. (Ugh anyone who seriously makes this argument makes me want to punch them. See - Adam Carolla.)
Media Hint add-on my friend
A month?! Wtf can you eat? Ramen noodles 3 times a day and that's it.
Well, I held it together until this comment. Ughh right in the feels.
Yes, or even blocking it out of their memory entirely. How confusing would a pregnancy be if you blocked out your memory of sexual abuse/assault? Just horrifying, horrifying.
God yes. In my house, if my mom heard a cupboard or fridge door opening, she would shout at us from rooms away, "You're eating again?!"
This was very painful for me to watch...brought me right back to 5 years ago. Well done ladies.
If you are selfish enough to drink and drive, I don't see how you're a "good person".
I didn't think you were advocating it, just wanted to share how special I am :P
Low odds, but high enough for me sadly. (Sigh.)
Don't be too embarrassed, awful people are born and raised everywhere in the world.
Well it's like minus 20 with the windchill in Toronto right now and we just got 30cm of snow... Welcome back!
Congrats! That happened to me... in grade six. Arguably, your accomplishment is greater than mine, but who's keeping score? :P
Well, don't take my advice. I first told my bf I loved him after 3 months when we got into some weird drunken shouting argument that ended in him asking me why I was so upset and me responding with, "Because I loooove youuuuuuuuu", followed by me collapsing into a heap of tears on one of the busiest streets in Toronto.