
I have the opposite - My friends are always giving me their old, ugly sweaters. I wear them all constantly. At least my friends can't make fun of me because it's their sweaters! Haha.

Fuck the haters. Love your sweaters!

Same here, found out there is a women's shelter down the street from me. I'm taking over some bags of clothing, toiletries and craft supplies. I don't have much money or time to volunteer but I do have extra stuff.

Holy moly, sent this to the bf and we've been debating for an hour. I'm getting a lot of, "But I don't see people as their gender or race!"... *Sigh sigh sigh* I think he's slowly coming around though.

Well, of course regression to the mean is supposed to happen over many trials so it's not a guarantee for each trial...(I think, my grad level stats course was many moons ago at this point!)

Oh god that is toxic.

Happens to me every couple of months. I think it's from being too sedentary sometimes. I just make sure to wipe extra careful and make sure it's extra dry, and then put vaseline on. Apparently this can get infected easily and that is Bad News so keep it clean!

When someone tries to explain to you, your own feelings and your own experience, then that person is so far gone down the rabbit hole of their own importance that it's probably too late to save them. Nevermind the fade out, I say cut this woman out.

Reading that was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. This lady is far too self-important to be anyone's friend in a meaningful way.

Ah I do. Get one of those sunshine alarm clocks, where it turns on a light about an hour before you wake up and it slowly gets brighter. It really helps you to wake up feeling more ready for the day. It's sort of like waking up with the sun.

DO IT. FADE IT OUT. Nothing pisses me off more than sharing your problems only for someone to say, "Gee I'm so glad my life is better than yours!".

I say it's time for a friend break-up. Drawing it out is only going to bring you more emotional distress in the long-run. Make a clean break. I've done it and it's not a fun time for anyone, but ripping off the bandaid is the best way to get the pain over with quickly.

You know, sadly it was my first thought that they hired her because she's woman due to backlash from the community.

Because clearly it's only a death panel if a Male or Fetus is sent to its death. Women don't count.

What if you had to get a docking station to be eligible for delivery and it placed it inside a box or something that locks it when it drops it off?

Ah well it's not the world's worst problem! :)

I am a young professional (certified in my field thank you verrry much) and I look like a very young and blonde girl. Whenever I meet with client for the first time, it takes me about 30 minutes for the client to a) realize I know what the hell I'm doing, and b) listen to a goddamn thing I say. It doesn't matter if

Ah you know, I felt that strongly a few years ago. Now at the wise old age of 27ish, I'm a lot less scared of the pain and mostly just scared of fucking my body up somehow.

Oh sweet baby Jesus. As if I didn't have enough to worry about with giving birth. (:P)

I wish I could be this person, but I am so squeamish about surgery I can't even think about it without feeling very faint.