
Yes. You solve a lack of surveillance problem with surveillance. You can't solve an institutional power-abuse problem with surveillance. You can't solve a racialized problem with a race-neutral solution.

I'd say replicating a group of friends social media accounts for years is a mega shit ton weirder than snagging a pic for a fake tinder account. I'd say those things are miles apart on the weird scale.

Ha, they were either posted somewhere by me, or they were taken from my phone surreptitiously by an ex? Or I sent them to an ex who shared them/posted them. Can't say.

I'm glad to hear that he did not permanently injure this man (as I assumed for years), but he still doesn't deserve a pardon.

I'm extremely relieved to know that his victim wasn't permanently injured because of the attack.

If you are a not a police officer, I thought the generally accepted rule was to not pull a gun unless you intend to use it. The fact that it's opposite for police officers is pretty striking. It's a gun, not a security blanket.

I remember that joke the first time I heard it and assumed it was directly referencing Cosby's rape allegations. The allegations have been following him around for years and years before this most recent round.

We were alllllll thinking it!

my fiancée has always been a big fan of Paul Rudd since his Clueless days, so she loves to think of the resemblance*

Important update: Here's a photo of Ben with his fiancee. Everybody simmer down.

One thing that struck me from reading Sidney Blumenthal's book, The Clinton Wars, was that Monica Lewinsky was a lot smarter than the prosecutors had expected. They thought it would be easy to trap her into incriminating Clinton, but she turned out to be very focused and certain in her testimony. She made the lawyers

Exactly. I'm not saying an affair isn't a big deal for the married couple, but to basically halt the normal functions of government over sexual indiscretions? To make an affair a matter of state? It's absolutely bonkers! The FBI really shouldn't spend that much time investigation people's private business.

There's plenty of blame to go around, for sure. But Bill seduced a 22 year old INTERN, while he was married, AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. And then his team and family circled the wagons and blamed her, and scolded her, and the GOP piled on too. The slut-shaming was so extreme that she thought about

I'm glad she told them to go fuck themselves. Good for you, Monica. Good for you.

I'm so glad to see so many awesome people out there. :-)

Yay! Celebration time!

But it's still entirely inappropriate to have a Halloween party two weeks before Halloween.

If you're planning on being Ray Rice for Halloween, I think it's safe to say the elevator doesn't go all the way up to the top floor.

I think a better, and more appropriate costume, would be Roger Goodell:

She looks tough as fuck. Shit, I'd want her to save me from a fire.